1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 289for their faithful efforts on the gridiron, it was a wonderful month, indeed.Brothers Gilbertson, Lowry, and Carroll who made the mandolin club. BrothersGhrist and Fry who received roles in "The Chimes of <strong>No</strong>rmandy," and BrotherRussell who is now treasurer of the senior class, all contributed their share inmaking the month so memorable.But, perhaps, the most enjoyable events for the active chapter were thealumni banquet and the annual formal held on the 15th and i6fh of <strong>No</strong>vember.The banquet was a success in every way; many of the old boys came back tobreak bread with us; and the quality of the toasts given and enthusiasm shown,left nothing to be desired while the dance was far superior to anything of itskind ever given here. Among the alumni whom we were glad to welcomeback were Brothers Bryant, Jones, Bates and Bode.The final offering which we have to make to the Fraternity is a fine delegTti:;nof newly-created <strong>Phi</strong>s. On <strong>No</strong>vember 25, <strong>Phi</strong>keias Lowry, King, and Gilbertsonwere invested with the badge and on the 9th of December, <strong>Phi</strong>kei''s Vidal,Bates, Rudolph, Cloud and Healey were initiated into the secre's of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong><strong>Theta</strong>. We feel very proud in presenting these men to the Fraternity as we believethat they insure us a strong chapter at South Dakota for many years tocome.Vermilion, S. Dak., December g, igi2, S. F. WADDEN.TENNESSEE ALPHA, VANDERBILT UNIVERSITYAfter a strenuous term we of Tennessee Alpha are turning our energieson the final home stretch. Whatever mistakes there may have been made willonly spur us on to better things; whatever successes have fallen to our lotwill be taken as indication of future accomplishments.Vanderbilt ended her football season with a brand new lease on the S. I.A. A. championship. Brother "Buddy" Morgan of national fame, was forthe second time accorded a unanimous berth on the All-Southern team. Hisname appeared also on the honor role in Outing. Brother Walter • Morgan,of the same famous Morgan family, a basketball and baseball star of last year,is back at his old job of guard on the varsity quintette. Brothers Lore and"Buddy" Morgan represent <strong>Phi</strong>. <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> on the glee club; also '-'rotherMorgan and Brother Sperry played in the dramatic club's production of"Strongheart," while Brother Stevenson acted as stage manager in great style.In literary circles Brothers Granbery and Sperry were elected members ofthe Calumet Club, the local chapter of Sigma Upsilon.Nashville, Tenn., December 23, 1912. L. F. SPERRY.TENNESSEE BETA. UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTHSince our last letter a new name has been added to Tennessee Beta's rolland we take pleasure in introducing to the Fraternity, Jesse A. Fanning, ofWinchester, Tenn.The football season closed with Tennessee Beta represented on the varsitysquad by Brothers Gillespi, McClanahan, Eggleston, and Hagan. BrothersGillespi and McClanahan play half and tackle respectively in the annual clashwith Vanderbilt and were awarded the much coveted block S.At a meeting of the student body on December 8, Brother Gass was electedto the office of football" manager for the season of 1913.The last quizzes, which marked the end of the first six weeks of work, showeda marked improverfient in Tennessee Beta's scholastic work. The generalaverage of the chapter was raised several points above that of last year andthe brothers are working to raise the average still higher in the quizzes comingnext week.Brother Bowden successfully passed the Rhodes scholarship examinationand is now in St. Louis. The board that appoints one from the successfulcandidates has not met yet and when Brother Bowden goes before the boardTennessee Beta sincerely hopes he will be the one to receive the appointmentfrom Missouri.Sewanee, Tenn., December 15, igi2. R. L. MCGOODWIN.

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