1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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288 THE SCROLLQUEBEC ALPHA, McGILL UNIVERSITYSince our last letter to the SCROLL we have added two to our list of initiatesand take great pleasure in presenting Brothers W. J. Harshaw, Cleveland,Ohio; and D. A. McDonald, Montreal, Que.The football season at McGill came to a very successful close some weeksago in Ottawa, where McGill played off a tie with Toronto University, defeatingthem 14-3, thus winning the Intercollegiate championship of Canada.Special trains were provided and practically every McGill man witnessed whatis said to have been the best football game ever played in Canada. Our chapterwas represented on the senior team by Brothers Reid, Masson, Montgomery,and Rankin. Brother Reid has unfortunately been confined to the hospitalsince the final football game, but we expect to have him with us again afterChristmas,- The hockey team is rapidly rounding into shape in preparation for aChristmas trip to Boston and New York. There is a fine lot of materialout for the team this year, and the prospects for another championship teaml6ok very bright. Brother Rankin is captain of the team this year, alsoseveral other of the brothers are fighting hard for positions.The basketball season was commenced several weeks'ago by a trip to northernNew York where several preliminary games were played. We are representedon the team by Brothers Duffield and Kennedy.We were much pleased to receive a visit from Brother Buell, vice-presidentof Alpha Province.Brother Brown of Illinois Beta, who is in business in Montreal, is mwstaying with us.Montreal, Que., December 11, 1912. W. S. ATKINSON.RHODE ISLAND ALPHA, BROWN UNIVERSITYDuring the past month we have been very glad indeed to have the followingbrothers visit the chapter: Charles F. , Lamkin, president of the generalcouncil, whom we were very glad to have with us for one night; Charles E.Buell, of Massachusetts Alpha, vice-president of Alpha Province; Fellman,Rhode Island Alpha, who is now in business in New York; Whitmarsh, of NewYork, also of Rhode Island Alpha; Barbour, Oregon Alpha; Stidger, Pennsylvania<strong>Delta</strong>; and Dishman, of Rhode Island Alpha.We are very glad to have again with us Brother High. Having spent theentire fall at Wellesley, where he has been coaching the Wellesley eleven,turning out the fastest team they have had in years. Brother High has returnedto Providence where he is now in business.Arrangements have been made to have the annual chapter banquet verysoon now.Football over. Brother Kratz 'and Maxwell have settled down into theroutine work of the winter and they are no longer compelled to spend theirafternoons in practice on Andrews field.Brother Loucks is doing active work on the junior week committee to whichhe was recently aopointed. Brother Rice, at a meeting of the sophomoreclass, has been elected a member of the soohomore ball committee. BrotherHincks. who is college gymnast, is conducting several regular gymnasium classesduring the winter, and at a recent meeting was elected first vice-presi(Jent ofthe sophomore class.Providence, R. I., January 7, 1913 S. J. ROWLAND.SOUTH DAKOTA ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTAThe past month has been a very busy and profitable one for South DakotaAlpha in all lines of student and fraternity activities. Beginning with theday when Brother Wadden was elected editor-in-chief of the igi4 Coyoteand Brother Fry athletic editor of the same and continuint; to the end of thelootball season when Brothers Fry and King were rewa"ded with monograms

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