1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 279of construction, was laid last week by the donor, Mrs. Furnald. She is theaunt of Brother Hiestand, Ohio Alpha.We have enjoyed visits recently from Brothers BueU, Palmer and Banta.Brother Mucklestone of Washington Alpha, after a short stay in this cityaltered his plans of studying in Boston this winter and is staying at our housewhile he takes postgraduate work at Columbia.New York, N. Y., December i8, igia.STANLEY W. THOMPSON.NEW YORK EPSILON, SYRACUSE UNIVERSITYWith the Christmas season almost at hand New York Epsilon is congratulatingItself upon the successful season just passed and looking forward to asuccessful new year. It gives us great pleasure to introduce to the Fraternitythe following Brothers : James N. Bills, 'l6, Camden, N. J.; Willard Emerson,l6, Rochester, N. Y.; Harold White, 'i6. New York City; Gordon Morrow,'16, Oneida, N. Y.; Frank Weeks, 'i6, Elmira, N. Y.; John I. Richer, 'i6New Berlin, N. Y.; Harold Kimber, 'i6. East Syracuse, N. Y.; and RansfordMarsher, '15, Syracuse, N. Y.In the football season just passed, one of mingled victory and defeat. NewYork Epsilon was represented by five men, of whom Brothers Darby, '13, andLuddington, '15, were awarded their block S, and Brothers Tlirockmorton', '14,Priory, '15, and Kingsley, '15, their aSa. On the freshman team playedBrothers Bills, White, Kanka and Weeks, all of whom received their numerals.On the evenings of December 10 and II, Tambourine and Bones, the universitymusical organization of which Brother Darby is president. BrotherHealey, manager, and Brother Scott, musical director, produced "Wistaria,"a musical comedy by Mr. Harry Lee and Brother David R. Walsh, '12.It was a great success, being pronounced by several dramatic critics one ofthe best musical comedies they had ever seen. Brother Walsh who composedthe music returned from Vienna where he has been studying, to direct theorchestra. In the cast the chapter was represented by Brother Darby, '13,who played the leading part, and also by Brothers Plough, De Young andRicher.The relay season has opened and prospects are very bright for anotherchampionship team. On the squad * A 6 is represented by Brother Taylor, '14.It is with great pleasure we announce the affiliation of Brother De Young,'IS, from Pennsylvania <strong>Delta</strong>.We have been pleased in the past month to receive a visit from BrotherCharles Buell, vice-president of Alpha Province.The evening of December 20, New York Epsilon will give its annual Christmassmoker; a wonderful Christmas tree, an original playlet, and many othermarvels will be features of the evening's entertainment and we are expectingmany of the alumni back.We have taken great pleasure in the past few weeks in visits from BrothersDeahl of Pennsylvania Beta, Lusk and Hodgkins of New York Alpha, andWaugh, '09, Simpson, '10, Dexter, '07, and Kanka, '11.Syracuse, N. Y., December 15, 1912.GARRICK M. TAYLOR.NORTH CAROLINA BETA, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINAAll the members of the active chapter have retured to college after a twoweeksvacation for Christmas. Each member swears that the holidays were thebest he ever enjoyed, and there are some fleeting rumors that one or two ofthe fellows lost their pins during the vacation. All hail the new "sister <strong>Phi</strong>s!"It is with a great deal of pleasure that the chapter records the recent affiliationwith us of Brother Lee Gravely, of Rocky Mount, N. C. Brother Gravelywas initiated at Virginia Gamma, where he starred for several seasons on thediamond. He afterwards went to Virginia Beta to study law. He decidedlater that a course in law at his own state university would put the finishingtouches on him; and so he is at present firmly and lOj'ally seated in our midst.

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