1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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276 THE SCROLLdeveloping, with Brother Cayou coaching and Brothers Swope and Brookesworking hard for places on the team.The Washington University Pan-Hellenic has been doing creditable worksince its establishment last year. It was through that body that the rulingwas passed requiring each candidate for initiation into a fraternity to passtwo successive months' work immediately prior to his initiation with an averageof C, or no grade below D. Kappa Sigma violated the ruling by initiatingbefore the requirements were met. The Pan-Hellenic ruled that Kappa Sigmabe prohibited from initiating any more men during the remainder of this collegeyear, and also that next year her candidates^ be required to make thegrades stated for four successive months instead of two. A breach of the rulehereafter will be punished by explusion from the Pan-Hellenic Association.The Pan-Hellenic gave a smoker in the Commons on the night of the eleventh,all the fraternities being represented by active members and alumni. Speecheswere made to encourage boosting Washington in the high schools, and keepingthe alumni in touch with university affairs.This chapter is arranging to give a big <strong>Phi</strong> dance about tbe latter part ofFebruary. We hope to secure the hearty support of our alumni and we askany <strong>Phi</strong> who expects to be in St. Louis at that time to make themselves knownto us so that we may have present all the <strong>Phi</strong>s possible.St. Louis, Mo., December 15, igi2. CLAY PRESTON.NEBRASKA ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKANext to the national convention the interest of the local chapter is centeredaround our thirty-eighth annual banquet and semi-annual formal dance. Thebanquet will be held at the Lindell Hotel on March 7, and the dance willbe at the Lincoln Hotel on March 8. The committees are making every effortto have a record breaking attendance. Present prospects point to a grandreunion, where the older <strong>Phi</strong>s will tell how they got the old bell from the<strong>Delta</strong> Taus (we still have it), or about the "good old times at 743 S. 13th St."The committee desires those who are coming to notify J. B. Cain, 2444 P St.,Lincoln.December 20, we are going to have our annual Christmas party with itsinseparable Christmas tree. Unfortunately there are going to be women presentso "Ole" Metcalfe can't perform as Santa Claus this year.With the greatest regret we announce the retirement of Brothers Roger Mc­Cullough and Bert Barber, both leaving to take advantage of splendid businessopportunities. The chapter will sadly miss "George Morgues" little salliesin the diary and "Bert's" steady hand at the head of the chapter's affairs.We wish to announce the acquisition of another pledge, Robert Kimball ofOmaha, recently of Atchison, Kansas.Brother Hap Halligan is back again to finish his law course which wasinterrupted last year by typhoid fever.The chapter has entertained a great many visitors recently. <strong>No</strong>vember r6we enjoyed the company of fifteen <strong>Phi</strong>s from Kansas Alpha, who were withus on the occasion of the annual Kansas-Nebraska game. As usual Nebraskawon, even if they didn't get their two touchdowns until the last four minutesof the game. The final score was 14 to 3.Brothers Crumit and McWilliams, Ohio Gamma, who are on the Orpheumcircuit at present, enlivened us a number of times during their stay in Lincoln,with many a good song and joke, including several dandy new <strong>Phi</strong> songs.Brothers Jenne and Thurston have also sojourned under the chapter roofsince our last letter.Brother Johnson, of this chapter, the noted cartoonist, spoke at universityconvocation recently and gave a most instructive talk with reference to hisline of work.Brother Cain was master of ceremonies at the senior law Hop. He alsoperformed the same honors at the senior class hop.

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