1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE' SCROLL 269to say enjoyed meeting each other again and talking of old times. We had aninteresting program, which consisted of short talks from several of the alumni,and songs by the active chaper, during which refreshments were served.There were several distinguished visitors present with us during our celebration,among them being Chas, F. Lamkin, P. G. C, George Banta, Publisherof the SCROLL and Palladium, and Fred R. Cowles, President Zeta Province.On <strong>No</strong>vember 23 the Universities of Missouri and Kansas met at Lawrencefor their 21st annual football game, which was one of the best, if not thebest, ever played between the two institutions. Kansas won by a score of12 to 3. <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> was represented on the Kansas team by left halfDetwiler, who gained more ground than any other one individual, gaininga total of 132 yards for Kansas. Brother Detwiler was chosen as half backon one of the All-Missouri Valley teams. The entire team, with the exceptionof the two ends, that played in the Kansas-Missouri game will be backnext fall, and with these prospects Kansas is looking forward for an "Ever-Victorious'' football team next fall.Practically the whole Missouri Alpha chapter came to La\yrence for thegame, and were guests of Kansas Alpha while here, and we certainly enjoyedtheir visit. We did not entertain them as we would have liked to, but thiswas caused by the crowded condition we were in. There were about 125 or150 visitors here at the chapter house on that day. Among our guests wereBrothers McWilliams and Crumit, Ohio Gamma, who are on the Orpheumcircuit and were playing in Kansas City. They came to Lawrence to see thegame and also paid us a visit. They entertained us with several good selections.There have been several improvements on the house and yard which aidgreatly in their looks and our comfort. The house has been painted and alsowired for electricity, giving us both gas and electric lights. A hedge has beenset out surrounding the yard, which will make a marked improvement on theappearance of the place.We take great pleasure in introducing the following brothers to the Fraternity:Humphrey Jones, Emporia, Kans.; Alfred Harris, Emporia, Kans.;Edwin Heidenreich, Kansas City, Mo.; and Rolend Boynton, Colorado Springs,Colo. These brothers had advance standing in their school work hence wereeligible for initiation before the second semester. We still have eight pledgesto be initiated the second semester.Our annual "Matinee Mess" is to be given on February 15.Lawrence, Kans,, DecemTser 12, 1912.LEON.VRD L. HURST.KANSAS BETA, WASHBURN COLLEGEAs the school year progresses and things shape themselves as they alwaysdo, we find that the men of Kansas Beta become identified more and more witha greater number of school activities. The men this year show more realfraternity and school spirit than has been in evidence for three or four yearsand even at that we have always had more than our share of honors everyyear. The most pleasing thing of all is the way that the pledges have takenhold and seemed to grasp the true fraternity spirit earlier than is usual.The first of the new term the glee club starts on a two weeks' tour on theSanta Fe railroad going all the way to California and performing at the SantaFe reading-rooms along the route. The glee club has been trying for a numberof years to get this trip because it is the finest trip that a club can takein our part of the country. <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> is j-epresented on the club byBrother Neiswanger and <strong>Phi</strong>keias Seeley and Troxell.The Washburn Dramatic Club has just given two try-out plays the castsof which were composed of those who are trying out for the club. In thefirst play <strong>Phi</strong>keias Welty and Ewers had parts and acquitted themselves withmuch honor to our chapter and in the .second play <strong>Phi</strong>keias Troxell and Guilddid so well that there is little doubt that they will be elected to the club. At

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