1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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268 THE SCROLL"pep" and determination to win, and will undoubtedly give a good accountof itself.During the Indiana game, we held our annual alumni reunion, and had thepleasure of entertaining quite a number of our graduates. Those who returnedwere Brothers J. F. G. Miller, '03, H. F. Bowser, '05, R. Fortune, '08,W. R. Shiel, '08, A. H. Worsham, '08, H. J. Wocher, 'og, F. Thompson, '09,W. G. Munn, '09, W. P. Chapin, '10, S. L. Phelps, '10, A. L. Duggan, '11,H. E. Sproull, '12, E. M. Sonntag, '12, R. S. Logan, '12, and H. E. Rubin,ex''i2. We are very glad that so many of our alumni attended the reunion,and feel sure that they did not regret the time spent with Indiana <strong>Theta</strong>.West Lafayette, Ind., December 15, 1912. E. S. HAYMOND.IOWA ALPHA, IOWA WESLEYAN COLLEGESchool work at Iowa Wesleyan closes for the holiday recess on December20. Scholarship records of Iowa Alpha are highly satisfactory and an excellentgrade of college work has been kept up. The chapter was never betterrepresented as a well rounded body in all branches of college activities andcollege circles'.Since the last letter one man has been initiated and the chapter takes greatpleasure in introducing to the Fraternity, Brother De Witt Greenleaf Sowers,of Bloomfield, Iowa.The Wesleyan football team under the leadership of Brother Glenn H.Tallman as student coach and captain, closed the season on the day beforeThanksgiving. At that time Carthage College went down to defeat before theWesleyan team with a score of 52 to 13. A very creditable team was developedthis year, and the showing they made was very satisfactory to all. <strong>Phi</strong>keiaZurawski was out of the game the latter part of the season on account ofsustaining a broken shoulder. Among the men who will be awarded W's areBrothers Tallman, Willits and Shipley and <strong>Phi</strong>keias Zurawski and Kelly.In an election held shortly after the close of the season Brother EverettB. Shipley was elected captain of the football team for the coming year.This is the fourth successive year that Iowa Alpha has placed a man as captainof the eleven.All interest now lies in basketball, the season opening soon after the holidays.Brothers Goehring, Jeffrey and Cornic and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Kelly are representingIowa Alpha in the try-out practices for places on the team.At Thanksgiving time, because of but one day's recess practically all thebrothers remained in the city, and a holiday reunion was held at the chapterhouse, with an informal dinner. Among the visiting <strong>Phi</strong>s present wereBrothers Fred Beck, '03. Fremont, Iowa; Fred Kinney, '08, Olds, Io\ya; MaxKinney, '12, Edgerton, Minn.; and C. E. Stuber, '09, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.In the recent try-out of the Iowa Wesleyan Glee Club, Brothers Davisand Shipley were successful in making places in the club. An extensive concerttour is planned to be taken in the early spring.An informal dinner was given at the chapter house on October 19. Onthat day Iowa Wesleyan met Lombard College in football on Wesleyan's field.A number of the members of Illinois Zeta were with us and with Iowa Alpha'salumni members in town present, the affair proved to be a most pleasant one.It is of unusual interest to note the number of Iowa Alpha members whohave become benedicts this year. Since the opening of the Fchool year invitationshave been issued for the weddings of eight alumni of the chapter.Mount Pleasant, la., December 11, 1912.CLARENCE S. JOHNSON.IOWA BETA, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA<strong>No</strong> letter received.KANSAS ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF KANSASWe celebrated our thirtieth anniversary at the chapter house by a smoker,on the evening of <strong>No</strong>vember 22. Many of our alumni came back, and needless

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