1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 255Wabash had a very successful football season this year, losing only ^ twogames during the entire season and those to <strong>No</strong>tre Dame and the MichiganAgricultural College, institutions which have far greater facilities for securingfootball stars than Wabash. Wabash easily secured the secondary championshipof Indiana, not even having been scored on by any of the secondary colleges.Brother Carrithers managed the team successfully, Brother Cravensas center, and Brother Nichols as half-back were both awarded the -official W.<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> gave a pig roast for the football squad at the close of theseason.In basketball Brother Steinbaugh is trying out for assistant manager. BrotherEllis was. varsity center on the team last year and is sure to retain hisposition this year. Brother Nichols, although this is his first year in collegebasketball, has good chances of making the varsity. Brother Cravens waselected as delegate to the Indiana College Athletic League by the WabashCollege Athletic Association.In the annual Day Oratorical Contest, held on Founders' Day, <strong>No</strong>vember21, Brother Carrithers won first place, Brother Davidson third, and BrotherLynn Craig fourth. Brother Carrithers, as winner of first place will representWabash in the State Oratorical Contest, to be held this winter in Indianapolis.Brother Cravens has been elected to fill the office of president of the LyceumLiterary Society during the winter term.Brother W. L. Federmann, as manager of the glee and mandolin clubs, isworking hard in preparation for the annual spring trip. Brother Spohn issoloist of the glee club.Brothers Halgren, Watson, Fishback, and Luccock are trying out for thepress club and are making good.Since our last letter to the SCROLL the chapter has been favored with a visitfrom our province president, Chester Jewett.Crawfordsville, Ind., December lo, 1912.INDIANA GAMMA, BUTLER UNIVERSITYLEE CRAIG.With the fall term examinations finished, Indiana Gamma started on the newterm with ten active members and ten pledges.Butler has just finished the most successful football season in many yearsand a great part of the honor is due Brother Thomas, coach, and BrothersLewis, captain, Summerlin, Tucker, and <strong>Phi</strong>keias Topscott and Lockhart.Indiana Gamma expects to have Brothers Kennington, Richardson, Lewis,anct <strong>Phi</strong>keias Ogg, Tapscott, and Lockhart fighting for positions on the basketballsquad.Every third Sunday afternoon we give an informal reception to relatives andfriends of the chapter. We are also giving a smoker each n;ionth for alumni,active men, and pledges so as to form a closer friendship.Brother Summerlin was elected president of the sophomore class andBrother Tucker received treasurership.The term party was held on <strong>No</strong>vember g.All the <strong>Phi</strong>s were prominent in making the first meeting of the ButlerUnion a great success. A smoker was held in the house for the union onFriday, December 6. This society which includes all'the men in the college,was organized by one of our members early last spring, so naturally all of the<strong>Phi</strong> Delts are taking a very prominent part in all its activities and muchcredit is given to the chapter for its success.Brother Hamp has been elected captain of the track team. Brother Littlehas been elected business manager of the Drift which is the annual literaryproduction of the junior class.Indiana Gamma takes this opportunity for thanking those chapters andalumni clubs which have been from time to time sending to us publicationscontaining their local news and would appreciate receiving similar periodicalsfrom other chapters.The chapter joins with the alumni <strong>Phi</strong>s in thanking the officers of the

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