1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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264 THE SCROLLwhich were alumni from both Illinois <strong>Delta</strong> and Zeta. The annual formaldance could not be held this year with Illinois <strong>Delta</strong> but is to take p-lace atthe Elk's club on January 21.We were very pleased to have visits from other <strong>Phi</strong>s who have been in thecity. Brother Lamkin spent an evening with us and talked of fraternitysituations. Brother Murphy, Iowa Beta, spent a few days at the house whilehe was traveling through the city. We have also had visits from BrothersLester RQSS, D. M. Brumfiel, Lloyd McLeish, Glenn Boss, and Ezra Radcliffewho were back for the Thanksgiving Day game.Galesburg, III., December 17, 1912.KENNETH L. BRAGDON.ILLINOIS ETA, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISThe third'annual Home Coming was a great success, and during that periodabout forty <strong>Phi</strong>s from this chapter, and other chapters were, present. A banquetwas held on the Saturday evening' following the Chicago-Illinois gameat the chapter house. The gathering at this time was larger than ever before,there being about eighty-seven <strong>Phi</strong>s present. At this banquet, the alumnistarted a discussion in regard to looking forward to obtaining new quartersin the future. Although we have a comfortable home at the present time, itwas decided that it was high time for us to look forward to another house.This matter was left in the hands of the alumni association and active chapter,so that before very long plans will be adopted and an active campaign started.This was one of the largest Home Comings that we have ever had, but weare hoping that our twentieth anniversary, which will be observed during theHome Coming of 1913, will be a greater success, and we are making everypossible effort to get all our alumni back.<strong>No</strong>w that the football season is over, we are looking forward to the basketballseason. Brother Woolston is head coach of the freshman varsity, and isturning out a good team. At present Brother Eaton and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Dungan areon the squad, and seem to have a good chance to survive the final cut.Brother Claude Rothgeb, '05, who is now coaching at Colorado College,Colorado Springs, is in the Twin Cities and has paid the chapter a visit.Since our last letter we have lost two members from the active chapter,Brother J. G. Alexander of Corydon, Iowa, and Brother R. C. Spaulding ofBismarck, <strong>No</strong>rth Dakota. At present we have nine pledges, namely: <strong>Phi</strong>keiasR. Cotter and C. P. Dungan of Oak Park; Mark Andrews, Birmingham; HarryBowen and Richard Conner, Seattle, Washington; W. Hart, Benton; W. Meek,Carrollton; Albert Degen, Kansas City, Missouri; and D. T. McCanna, Minneapolis,Minnesota. We expect to be able to initiate everyone, but beforeinitiation each man is required to pass eleven hours of university work.' Champaign, 111., December 14, 1912. CHAS, T. MEEK.INDIANA ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF INDIANA<strong>No</strong> letter received.INDIANA BETA, WABASH COLLEGEIndiana Beta takes great pleasure in presenting to the Fraternity the followingbrothers: Charles E. Tracewell, '13, \^shington, D. C.; Thomas B.<strong>No</strong>ble, Jr., '16, Indianapolis, Ind.; Emory W. Luccock, '16, Chicago, III.;F. C. Nichols, 'r6, Oxford, Ind.; Harold. S. Watson, '16, Knightstown, Ind.;and Frank C. Fishback, '16, Indianapolis, Ind.Although the college year is not very far advanced as yet, the prospectsfor an allround successful year look very bright indeed, and we expect tosecure our usual share of honors, if nof more, in both scholarship and collegeactivities before the year is finished. We are especially striving to raise thestandard of our scholarship record higher than it has ever been before. Ofthe six fraternities in Wabash, <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> missed securing first place inscholarship last year by only a fraction of a per cent. We hope and expect to beat the top this year.

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