1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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260 THE SCROLLBasketball is in season now. Brother Carter plays guard on the varsity. Thecoming baseball season does not look so bright at present. We have one of thehardest schedules we have ever had and only returned four of last year's men.Coach Cunningham has started class games. In these class games he hopesto develop some baseball and football players that will take the place ofthe stars that we lose next year. There is no preparatory material in sight,hence we must develop some players from the boys now in college if we wantto still be ranked among the four leading colleges in the south in athletics.Brother Clements, a freshman, comes here from Gordon Institute and bids fairto make the varsity baseball team this or next year.The Thalians, the university dramatic club, presented "Rosemary" beforeChristmas. Brother Howard, who is president of the club, had the leadingrole and displayed his usual good acting before a large audience at theColonial Theatre.We will give our annual dance February 7 and we extend to all <strong>Phi</strong>s aninvitation, and will be more than glad to have any attend that may. BrotherFreeman has been elected editor-in-chief of the Pandora.Athens, Ga., January g, 1913.FRANK O. HOLDEN.GEORGIA BETA, EMORY COLLEGESince our last letter the routine duties of daily college life have occupied mostof our time. We are now looking forward with great anticipation to theChristmas holidays which are close at hand.We were hosts during last month at a most successful reception given inthe parlors of the chapter house, A number of loyal <strong>Phi</strong> girls both of Oxfordand other adjacent cities were with us, as were also the members of thePan-Hellenic council.In scholastic work all <strong>Phi</strong>s this term have made a most creditable record.We have no "flunks" and several men have made excellent beginnings in thecompetition for speaker's places at our next commencement.Perhaps our most noticeable strength this year is in the oratorical and debatingspheres. In practically every debate that has occurred we have beenrepresented by two men. In a recent election at <strong>Phi</strong> Gamma Literary Society,Brother T. J. Pearce, '14, was elected mid-term debater and Brother GeorgeWright, '14, Washington Birthday orator.The Coffee House club organized recently for the fostering of literaryproduction and appreciation numbers among its members Brothers H. Pearce,•'13, and T. Pearce, '14.The All-Emory football team has been announced and we are represented byBrother Culver, '13, al end and Brother Matthews, '15, ^t quarter. BrotherMatthews was elected captain of the present sophomore team.Oxford, Ga., December 15, 1912. H. J. PEARCE,- JR.GEORGIA GAMMA, MERCER UNIVERSITYThe attendance at Mercer is not so good this term. A good many men whowere in college last fall failed to return after the holidays. All members of<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> have put in their appearance, however, and the local chapterwill consist of almost the same personnel throughout the year.Brother Roddenberry returned a few weeks before Christmas after sufferingan operation for appendicitis. Brothers Irwin, Stubbs and Roddenberry,all regulars on the varsity basketball team, have caused some to refer to itas a "near" <strong>Phi</strong> team by their splendid work. Johnny Westmoreland whosucceeded Brother Roy Cook, resigned, as captain is performing better thanever at guard. The whole squad is showing up well and will play anySouthern team a creditable game.We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the January SCROLL for a fullaccount of the late convention. Brother Mallary has aroused our curiositywith a two hours' report which he styled "A Brief Outline of What We Didat Chicago."

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