1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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258 THE SCROLLCHAPTER CORRESPONDENCEReporters are requested to forward chapter letters on the loth of the month precedingthe month of publication.Please study to make letters terse. Facts which show the progress of the institutionshoidd be recorded, but chapter news, rather than ordinary college news, is desired.Kindly omit mention of changes among professors and of athletic events unless membersof <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> are concerned.Please write all proper names very clearly, or, if possible, typewrite the letters.Begin and end letters as they api^ear below. Write on only one side of the paper.The Editor will appreciate the loan of cuts of college views of chapter groups orhouses. Plates should be properly marked and should be mailed or expressed to THEScROLi., care of the George Banta Publishing Company, Menasha, Wis., and printsfrom them or a list of them sent to the Editor. Plates larger than 4 by 7 inches, ineither dimension, cannot be used.Photographs of parties or scenes ivhich would make interesting illustrations will bevery acceptable.ALABAMA ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMAAlabama Alpha has had a very prosperous year so far. Members of thischapter are participating in all lines of college endeavor. Brother Goodhue,who is business manager of the annual gotten out here, says that the Corolla tobe published this year has never been equalled, and that <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> willhave her fair share of honors.We are represented on the glee club by Brothers Bowron, Kirkpatrick andSteiner, two of whom are second year men, while Brother Kirkpatrick, whois a freshman made it his first year.In the series of class football games recently played, the freshmen werevictorious. This chapter was represented on every team by at least one man,and furnished coaches for two of the teams. On the seniors was Brother Vann,Brother Bowron played with the juniors, on the sophomores we had BrothersAustin, Brown, McGifferfand Pratt, while Brothers Foster and Saunders representedus on the freshman team. Brother C. H. Van de Graaff coached thejuniors and Brother A. V. Van de Graaff coached the sophomores.Brother Jones has recovered from his attack of appendicitis and will reenterschool after the holidays are over.Tuscaloosa, Ala., December 27, 1912.F. M. BROWN.ALABAMA BETA, ALABAMA POLYTECHNICINSTITUTEThe term examinations are keeping members of Alabama Beta very busy atpresent. Our members realize the importance of doing well on these examinations,and never have we tried harder to make good marks.Our football season closed Thanksgiving with Auburn having played oneof her best seasons—except for the defeat at the hands of Georgia, Thanksgiving,which was very unexpected. Basketball is now the center of attraction.Brother Worrill represents us on the team.Brother H. M. Bray has retired to accept a responsible position at Tifton, Ga.Alabama Beta expects to return practically all its present members after theChristmas holidays and we expect to have a very successful rushing season—as several good men are already in view.Auburn, Ala., December 13, igi2. J. W. WILLIAMS.CALIFORNIA ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAThe fall semester at Berkeley closed December 17, and we are glad to reportno loss of members through examinations.The football season closed <strong>No</strong>vember 9. Our annual football dinner wassuccessfully carried through with an attendance of eighty <strong>Phi</strong>s, and muchenthusiasm.Brother Dunn got out the banner football edition of the Daily Californianin great style, and deserves much credit. In the post Rugby season CaliforniaAlpha had complete success.

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