1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 239DONALD W. GREEN, Chicago, 111.C. R. GRIDLEY," Biggsville, III.A. W. KIMBELL, Chicago, 111.L. A. KIMBALL, Dundee, 111.CHAS. T. MEEK, Carrollton, 111.A. M. MORRIS, Oskaloosa, Iowa.A. E. RATHBUN, Glen EUyn, 111.H. A. AMSBARY, Champaign, 111.PAUL BUTLER, Hinsdale, 111.*T. MAC DOWNING, Macomb, 111.A. P. HOLBROOK, JR., Oak Park, 111.L. A. POPE, Moline, 111.p. V. RAUCH, Kansas City, Mo.FRANK A. BENITZ, La California, Argentina.E. R. BROADBENT, Chicago, 111.E. D. CLAYCOM, Sycamore, 111.REX C. EATON, Greeley, Colo.RALPH GREEN, Chicago, III.H. C. HOLBROOK, Oak Park, 111.J. REININGER, Oak Park, III.R. A. CoTLER, Oak Park, 111.C. P. DUNGAN, JR., Oak Park, 111.B. M. SPALDING, Bismarck, N. Dak.•AMOS W. BUTLER, Indianapolis, Ind.WARREN D. HOWE, Chicago, 111.R. E. WILSEY, Chicago, 111.HOYT KING, Chicago, III.ISADORE FEIBLEMAN, Indianapolis, Ind.H, L. SMITH, Bloomington, Ind.JAMES S. DODGE, JR., Chicago, 111.H. ERNEST HUTTON, Danville, 111.J. HERBERT DICKEY, Chicago, 111.O. W. EDWARDS, Chicago, 111.B. C. REES, Laporte, Ind.ORLAND L. DOSTOR, Chicago, 111.R. B. JONES, Laporte, Ind.JOHN M. WHITEHEAD, Janesville, Wis.C. M. MCDANIEL, Hammond, Ind.J. F. HENDERSON, Chicago, 111.J. LLOYD HAMMOND, Chicago, 111.H. M. SMALTZ, Marion, Ind.G. W. HENRY, Danville, HI.M. S. LEAMING, Chicago, 111.WALTER W. SOHL, Hammond, Ind.MORRIS E. COCHRAN, Crawfordsville, Ind.H, M. JOHNSON, Thorntown, Ind.ROBERT KINGERY, Chicago, 111.B. C. GAVIT, Hammond, Ind.G. P. SMITH, Rochester, Ind.E. W. LUCCOCK, Oak Park, 111.D. M. HILLIS, Chicago, 111.O. P. HUBBARD, Valdez, Alaska.L. LOGAN, Chicago, 111.LEE MOFFETT, Indianapolis, Ind.WM. O. CONWAY, Indianapolis, Ind.GEO. W. PITTMAN, Indianapolis, Ind.J. C. WITT, Pittsburgh, Pa.OMAR COVERT, Valparaiso, Ind.F. NEAL THURSTON, Indianapolis, Ind.Illinois, '13Illinois, '13Illinois, '13Illinois,'13Illinois,'13Illinois, '13Illinois, '13Illinois','!^Illinois, "'14Illinois, '14Illinois, '14Illinois, '14Illinois, '14Illinois,'1$Illinois,'isIllinois, '15Illinois, '15Illinois,'1$Illinois, '15Illinois,'1$Illinois,'1$Illinois, '16Illinois, 'itIndiana, '81Indiana. '86Indiana, '89Indiana, '92Indiana, •'93Indiana, '98Indiana, '00Indiana, '02Indiana, '04.Indiana, *o6Indiana, *o8Indiana, 'ogIndiana, '09IVabash,'y6Wabash, '85IVabash,'Sg}Vabash,'gsWabash, 'obWabash, '07Wabash, '07Wabash, '09Wabash, '11Wabash, 'ilWabash,'12Wabash,'isWabash,'1$Wabash,'lbButler, '64Butler, '82Butler, '\2Butler, '12Butler,^ 13Butler,'14Butler, '08Franklin, '00Franklin, '03

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