1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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230 THE SCROLLsingers as Klimenhagen, and such magnificent orators as Fitz Halland they were ever in increasing demand. In the convention hall,at the banquet, the dance, and theatre party, we were ever in evidencebut our sweetest and best moments were spent while the conventionwas at rest.When that memorable convention reached its climax at the laststrains of the "Girl at the Gate" were played, we asked ourselves,"What is more fitting than that we should have some token by whichto remember our happy hours*together?" Accordingly we gatheredtogether as many of the clan as we could and repaired to a little"photo" gallery where the photographer saved us for posterity andafter a fitting parting, we departed to our respective homes, eachfeeling that nowhere outside of a national convention of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong><strong>Theta</strong> could one find such friendships and fellowships.S. F. WADDEN, South Dakota, '14.THE CONVENTION FROM THE STANDPOINT OF A PETITIONERIt is seldom that a petitioner has the experience of attending anational convention, being successful and witnessing a great gatheringof the Fraternity to which he will soon belong. It was oneexperience in a thousand.The Chicago convention unfolded to us petitioners, "on the outsidelooking in," as it were, the greatness of the Fraternity we werepetitioning. It was a new experience for most of us, and althoughkept on the anxious seat as to the welfare of our petitions, we couldnot help but absorb some of the good things that were evident onevery side.The attendance of so many members of the Fraternity and moreespecially the presence and active interest of the older <strong>Phi</strong>s appealedto us forcibly, because it brought nearer what we now see to be thereal fraternity spirit. The men seemed to go about their businesswith disatch, as if they were there for some great purpose.The entertainment features certainly led the batting list. TheChicago <strong>Phi</strong>s undoubtedly earned the name of "The Human Pepperbox"organization and there was something doing every minute.The reception made us feel right at home and we all wanted tojoin the crew that marched around the room singing "In EighteenHundred and Forty-eight."The smoker that saw the old year die was one of the finest entertainmentsof its kind we ever attended. The features, including the"Row, Row" song, the contortionist, the songs. Doctor Roller's exhibition,the "movies," and the lunch taught us all something new infun ideas.The banquet and dance, especially the dance (we didn't attend thebanquet) together with the theater party rounded out a week ofpleasure that would be hard to excel.

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