1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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14 THE SCROLL.and William Urquhart, '14, of Washington; Brother E. E. RubyIndiana, '01, of Whitman College; Brother James Thompson, Jr.,Minnesota, '04; and Brothers H. W. Thompson, Minnesota, '88,John Tryon, Minnesota, '10, George O. Dehat, <strong>No</strong>rthwestern andMissouri, '72, and J. H. Irish, Michigan, '82, of Eugene.<strong>No</strong> time was lost in beginning initiation ceremonies. After breakfastingdown town, the party proceeded to the Eagles Hall, set upthe paraphernalia, and organized for business. Brother H. H. Ward,with authority from President Lamkin, officiated as president; theother officers were: warden, W. S. Ferris, secretary, O. A. Faris,reporter, John Tryon, chaplain, H. C. P. Baldwin, and chorister,C. W. Heinicke.The initiation was well under way by noon when an adjournmentwas made to the chapter house for lunch. At 1:30 ceremonies wereresinned and by 5 :30 all of the twenty-four members of <strong>Delta</strong> Sigmahad been made charter members of Oregon Alpha of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong><strong>Theta</strong>.The chapter has since installation, initiated one more, makingtwenty-five in all. They are as follows:William Edward Moss, 'll, Jefferson, Ore.; Clarence William Walls, '12,955 First Street, Portland, Ore.; Louis Raphael Geisler, 'l3, 631 Elm Street,Portland, Ore.; Walter Mills Huntington, '13, Tlie Dalles, Ore.; Wendell GaryBarbour, '12, Eugene, Ore.; Harold B. Cockerline, '12, E^ugene, Ore.; CharlesRaymond Oleson, '12, Portland, Ore.; George Alpha Gabriel, '12, Dayton,Ore.; Edward Flint Bailey, '13, Eugene, Ore.; William Homer Maris, '13,53 E. 7th St., Portland, Ore.; <strong>Phi</strong>llip Lidden Hammond, '13, Eugene, Ore.; HowardFarnam Parsons, '13, Springfield, Ore.; Arba Selathial Bedford, '14, Rushmore,Minn.; Robert Milton Wray, '14, Silverton, Ore.; Raymond Beryl Giles,'14, 410 E. 38th Street, Portland, Ore.; Thomas Gordon Donaca, '14, Lebandon,Ore.; Ralph O'Leary, ^14, McKenzie Bridge, Ore.; Sophus Taylor Blohm, '15,303^^ E. I2th Street, Portland, Ore.; Carlyle Dressier Geisler, '15, 631 ElmStreet, Portland, Ore.; Merwin Rial Irish, '15, Eugene, Ore.; Sidney HughSmyth, '15, 751 Weidler Street, Portland, Ore.; Lloyd Grossman Stevens, '15,Graceville, Minn.; David B. Campbell (Special), Monomouth, Ore.; CarrollMarshall Wagner, '15, Ashland, Ore.; Chester Arthur Downs, '10, Portland,Ore.The party then returned to the chapter house where the installationceremonies were concluded.Representing the old regime. Brother Raphael Geisler surrenderedthe house to Brother Ward who took charge of it in the name of<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>, and in turn gave it into the keeping of BrotherHomer Maris, the new president of Oregon Alpha.Brother Ward next presented the charter to Brother ClarenceWalls and called upon Brother Ruby to deliver the charge to thechapter. A telegram was read from President Lamkin who expressedregret at his enforced absence but wished Oregon Alpha the greatestsuccess and prosperity. The <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>: flag was raised overthe house as the party on the lawn below gave the fraternity yell andcheers for the new baby chapter.In the evening the visitors were entertained at a banquet at the

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