1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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214 THE SCROLLcollege community. The heart should go out to others who areequally interested in student affairs. It is certain that the sympathies -will be richer and fuller when you face life's problems and possibilities.Some one has most happily expressed the real significance ofit all in these words:The sweetest lives are those to duty given,Those deeds, both great and small,Are close knit strands of an unbroken thread,Where love ennobles all.The world may sound no trumpets, ring no bells,The Book of Life the shining record tells,Thy love shall chant its own beatitudes after its own life's working.A child's kiss placed on thy singing lips shall make thee glad.A poor man helped by thee shall make thee rich.A sick man served by thee shall make thee strong.Thou shalt be served thyself by every sense of service which thou renderest.ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEESThe success of the Chicago convention from the social standpointwas entirely due to the Chicago <strong>Phi</strong>s. The various entertainmentswere perfectly planned and each was a brilliant success. The membersof the Chicago alumni club gave much of their time for monthsto convention preparations, and gave liberally of their means to advertisethe convention, to make the smoker and ball complimentaryand to meet many other incidental expenses. In grateful appreciationof their unbounded hospitality, the names of the officers of theclub and of the convention committees are printed below:PHI DELTA THETA CLUB OF CHICAGOOFFICERSHonorary President, Judge Frederick A. Smith; President, I. N. Van Pelt;Vice-president, Warren D. Howe; Secretary, L. T. Wilson; Treasurer, StacyC. Mosser.CONVENTION COMMITTEESOpen House—\. N. Van Pelt, Chairman; W. E. Higbee, H. E. Snyder, RichardHenry Little.New Year's Eve Celebration—S. C. Mosser, Chairman; H. E. Weese, HomerF. Horton, Harry R. Auracher.Banquet—Warren D. Howe, Chairman; Hoyt King, W. E. Higbee.Ball—Dr. G. T. Jordan, Chairman; Dr. L. L. Iseman, 0. W. Thompson,W. H. Woolston, F. Steinbrecher, J. C. Eaton.Theatre Party—William E. Godso, Chairman; Dr. L. L. Iseman, RobertT. Radford, Arthur S. Gormley.Finance—Hoyt King, Chairman; Frederick A. Smith, A. P. Holbrook, Jr.,I. N. Van Pelt, H. L. WUson, Stacy C. Mosser, L. T. Wilson, Warren D. Howe,John T. Bodie, W. E. Higbee, Walter P. Steffen.Publicity—William E. Godso, Chairman; Edwin L.ennox, H. H. Mallory,L. T. Wilson, W. L. Chenery.Decorations—Ira H. Owen, Chairman; A. P. Holbrook, Jr., Harold M.Johnson, F. C. Wood, H. E. Snyder.

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