1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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PHI DBLTA THETA PUBLICATIONS.THE HISTORY OF THE PHI DELTA THETA FRATERNITY.BY WALTER B. PALMER.A detailed and exhaustive history of the Fraternity, from its foundation in1848 to igo6; contains an account of every Chapter and of every NationalConvention, reminiscences of the founders, chronology, bibliography, andmany other features. Full octavo, 966 pages, 387 engravings, handsomelyprinted and bound. Prices: Cloth bound, $4; half morocco, $5; full morocco,$6; add 34 cents for prepaying express charges. Address, Walter B. Palmer,Bureau of Labor, Washington, D. C.THE CATALOGUE OF THE PHI DELTA THETA FRATERNITY.SEVENTH EDITION (igo6). EDITED BY FRANK J. R. MITCHELL.Contents: i Rolls of Chapters, by classes, with the addresses, occupation,and other data relating to the active and the alumni members of the Fraternity.2 Residence directory, by states and towns. 3 Alphabetical index. 4List of prominent members. 5 List of general officers of the Fraternity from1848 to 1906. 6 Table showing the membership by Chapters as given in eachof the seven editions of the Catalogue, 7 Table showing the distribution ofthe membership by states and towns. Cloth, 735 pages, octavo. Price, $2; add35 cent's for prepaying express charges. Address, Alex Pope, T. G. C,Dallas, Texas.THE SONG BOOK OF PHI DELTA THETA.FIFTH EDITION, 1902.Songs with piano accompaniments. Instrumental music dedicated to theFraternity, Elegantly printed and handsomely bound. Prices, postage included: Paper covers, single copy, 75 cents; six copies, $4; twelve copies, $7-So;additional copies, 65 cents each. Cloth bound copies exhausted and only a fewcopies in paper covers left. Address Alex Pope, T. G. C, Dallas, Texas.PHI DELTA THETA YEAR BOOK.VOLUME XXVI (1912), EDITED BY THOMAS A. DAVIS.Cloth, 956 pages, octavo, 23 illustrations. Part of the book is a reprintof annual circular letters of all of the chapters to their alumni members, withhalf-tones of chapter gi-oups, views of chapter houses, campus scenes, etc. Parttwo is a reprint of the rolls of the Chapters by classes, with the addresses,occupati^ns and other data about the 18,000 members of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>. Thebook is a history of the Fraternity for one year and also a revised catalogueof the entire membership. Price, $1.50; add 35 cents for prepaying expresscharges. Address, Alex Pope, T. G. C, Dallas, Texas. Orders received forthe 1913 volume at the same price.THE SCROLL AND THE PALLADIUM,EDITOR, THOMAS A. DAVIS; ASSISTANT, WALTER B. PALMER.THE SCROLL, now in <strong>Volume</strong> XXXVIl, is issued in the months of September,<strong>No</strong>vember, January, March and May. Price $1 a year. The Palladium, whichis a fraternity bulletin, is issued in October, December, February, April andJune. Price 50 cents a year. To alumni members of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> theprice is $i a year for both magazines. When subscribing alumni should mentiontheir chapters and classes.Life Subscription $10 for both Magazines.

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