1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 193For convenience of administration, the chapters of A T S2, B 9 U, ATA,*A9, *rA, ^K^, 2AE, S * E, H K A, SX, KS, AT and Southern KAare divided into provinces, districts or divisions, which are presided over bypresidents, grand masters, archons, chiefs, commanders, deputies or inspectors.These divisions are usually designated by the Greek letters or Roman numerals.The last two to adopt the province system are A T and Southern K A. Theprovinces of Southern K A, have unique designations, each being named for amember who has distinguished himself by successful fraternity work. Thusone is called the "S. Z. Ammen Province".Harvard is a fraternity graveyard. A A *, B 9 II, AKE, * K S, * T, Z ^,A ^ and X # have tombstones there. But there are three live fraternitiesthere—9 AX, 1856; AX, 1880; S A E, 1893. These three at least seem to beflourishing. We can speak from personal knowledge of S A E, having, by invitation,attended one of its recent commencement "spreads", at which wereentertained perhaps 500 people. It rents a large house near the university.9 AX also, we believe, rents a house. AT owns an $18,000 house, aiid everyspring gives a show in Boston and nearby towns. The profit from the show thisyear, $1,000, was turned into the house fund, which enabled the chapter tobum the mortgage on the house.$KA is the name of a new fraternity which has started on a national career.It was organized on <strong>No</strong>vember 21, 1907, at Louisiana State University with theintention of securing a charter from ^ K S. After learning that LouisianaState was not up to the constitutional requirements of $ K'S, it determinedto expand. Chapters have been established at Tulane and Arkansas, and thereare petitioners at several institutions in the Southwest. The mother chapterwill be the governing body until seven chapters have been established, when aconvention will be called. The badge is an inverted battle-axe, without shaft,bearing an elongated shield with a raised Capricorn. The colors are Columbiablue and white.—K S Caduceus. We do not find this fraternity mentioned inthe latest edition of Baird's Manual.The George Banta Publishing Company of Menasha, Wis., is now calledThe Collegiate Press. It publishes many technical and scientific works, andcollege catalogues, annuals and song books, also the journals of a number offraternities for men, including THE SCROLL, the journals of several professionalfraternities and the journals of nearly all of the sororities. It has a completeequipment for such work and a larger experience in this line than any otherprinting house in the country. It has announced the publication of an interfraternityjournal called Banta's Greek Exchange, which promises to be ofgreat interest to all fraternity men and women. The Exchange will be issuedquarterly, and the first number will be issued about the time that this numberof THE SCROLL is published. The subscription price is $1.00 a year.DELTA UPSILON'S FINANCIAL SYSTEM.The financial system of A T is fully explained by the treasurer of the fraternityin the A T Quarterly. The "initiate tax" of $2 flat is paid once by eachinitiate, for which he receives the Quarterly during the first two years afterhe leaves college. The "equalization tax" is paid by each active member eachyear. It amounts to $4 per capita, but if paid within thirty days a discount of20 per cent is allowed, reducing the amount to $3.20. This tax supports thefund out of which are paid the railroad and Pullman fares of the two delegatesfrom each chapter (a senior delegate and a junior delegate) to each annualnational convention. All of the other expenses of the fraternity's administrationare'paid out of the fund created by the "chapter tax", paid byeach active member each year. It amounts to $6, but if paid within thirty daysa discount of 20 per cent is allowed, reducing the amount to $4.80. The"equalization tax" and the "chapter tax" are assessed in January "to strike afair average of the membership for the year at a. period between the fall andspring initiations"

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