1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 191Iowa Wesleyan—Clarence E. Smith, 'lo, is County engineer with offices atMount Pleasant. - He was married on October 15 to Miss Agnes Beery,Wesleyan, '09.Ohio Wesleyan—E. F. Pennywitt, '10, was married to Miss Mabel Saxton,'II, in September at the bride's home in <strong>Delta</strong>, Ohio. They will make thatcity their home.Oregon—Clarence W. Walls, '12, is working with The Oregon Railroadand Navigation Company and at present is foreman of a bridge constructionforce at Perry, Wash.Washington—Preston Lockwood, '12, has returned from New York, wherehe has been connected with newspaper work, in order to take the RhodesScholarship examinations.Hanover—E. R. <strong>No</strong>wlin, '10, and Miss Ella Mclntire of Milton, Ky.,were married at the home of the bride October 2. They will make theirfuture home at Lawrenceburg, Ind.<strong>No</strong>rthwestern—J. Arthur Dixon, '96, for many years connected with staffsof various newspapers of Chicago, died October 24, at Lakeside Hospital ofperitonitis following an operation for appendicitis.Ohio State—R. C. Reed, '98, who has been located with the Carnegie SteelCompany of Duquesne, Pa., for the last twelve years as electrical engineerdied on May 21, igi2 after an illness of six months.Kansas—Herman S. Walker, 'ii, was married to Miss Carrie Calhoun ofFort Scott, Kan., October i. Mr. and Mrs. Walker will reside in Bisbee,Ariz., where Brother Walker is employed as a mining engineer.Cincinnati—Harry C. Fetsch, Ohio <strong>Theta</strong>, '05, has been elected an associatemember of the Actuarial Society of America and also of the American Instituteof Actuaries, after passing all the required examinations of both societies.Vanderbilt—Of the thirty-four trustees of Vanderbilt University, six aremembers of Tennessee Alpha—Robert F. Jackson, '81, James C. McReynolds,'83, Allen R. Caster, '87, Elliott H. Jones, '91, Claude Waller, '93, and WilliamT. Sanders, '88. The last is vice-president of the board.Pennsylvania—J. Clark Moore, Jr., 'g3. Past P. G. C, August 31, 191:2.announced the formation of a copartnership under the firm name of Snowden,Barclay and Moore, for the transaction of the business of stock and bondbrokers with offices at 123 South Broad Street, <strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia, Pa.Amherst—On September 9, A. W. Blackmer, '09, was quietly married toMiss Helen Dana at the bride's home at Portland, Maine. Mr. and Mrs.Blackmer will make their home in Worcester, Mass., where Mr. Blackmer isengaged in the practice of law. His address is State Mutual Life Building.Pennsylvania—McCluney Radcliffe, '82, former H. G. C, in Septemberhad the rare and distinguished honor of receiving the Thirty-third degree,at the last annual meeting in Boston of the Supreme Council of the AncientAccepted Scottish Rite for the <strong>No</strong>rthern Masonic Jurisdiction of the UnitedStates.Syracuse—Frederick P. Schenck, '95, (Law, 'gg) is practicing law in NewYork City with an office at 141 Broadway, corner of Liberty St. He is alsoadmitted to practice in New Jersey and is residing at Leonia which is in BergenCounty, N. J. Brother Schenck cordially invites any lawyer <strong>Phi</strong> visiting NewYork City to call upon him.Ohio—William Edgar Bundy, '86, now deceased, was honored by a largelyattended memorial service held in Memorial Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, onSunday, October 6, igi2, at which, among numerous other appropriate addresses,Hon. Scott Bonham, Ohio Wesleyan, '82, was assigned the topic:"Our Frater in <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>."Columbia—Miss Gertrude M. Murray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mathew T.

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