1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 181year, since every one of our large number of last year's initiates have madegood; and a bright year, because a selection of nine new men have beenpledged. This year we take pleasure in announcing as <strong>Phi</strong>keias: William R.Conroy, Plainfield, N. J.; Wilder Coyle, Weston, Vt.; Richard B. Gordon,Oil City, Pa.; Chauncey H. Hayden, Riverside, Vt.; Willard P. Leutze, Merton.Pa.; Frank E. Malcolm, Bridgeport, Conn.; Camillus H. Nelson, WestPawlet, Vt.; Charles Votey, Summit, N. J. all of class 'i6; and Edgar P.Bellefountaine, Lowell, Mass., of class '15, all of whom will 'become <strong>Phi</strong>s<strong>No</strong>vember 2, 1912.Brother Pike, '14, has gone to the Missouri School of Osteopathy. BrotherMould, '15, has gone to the Colorado School of Mines where he will take acourse in mining engineering. Brother Russel Keeler, '14, is staying at homethis year at Richmond Hill, N. Y., where he is studying as well as assistingin his father's business. Brothers Malcolm, '14, and Mayforth, '15, both onvarsity battery played on the <strong>No</strong>rthampton team this summer which won thepennant in the Twin State league. Brothers St. John, Maiden and Elrick;also, <strong>Phi</strong>keias Leutze and Conroy are out for football this fall.This year the university is publishing a new magazine. Ye Crabbe, whichhas for its first editor Brother Hoffnagle.In Vermont the long cold winter evenings are usually looked forward towith much dread but I am sure this year there will be no need of such with us,as we have, with our new men, a very good orchestra which will be able togive entertainment at times when there is not much studying to do.Burlington, Vt., October 14, 1912. . VERNON T. Dow.VIRGINIA BETA, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIAThe fraternities at the University of Virginia are now taking a much neededrest. We had an interfraternity agreement here for the first time this yearandowing to the fact that no one quite understood it the rushing has beenmore fast and furious than ever before. The time for holding off was over<strong>No</strong>vember i and for the first time this session fraternity men are able topay some attention to studies.We have pledged two initiates so far and have several more prospectiveswho are unable at present writing to commit themselves definitely. Thelarge number of fraternities here make it impossible for any one of them toget any large number of new men at the first of the season.Our football team has not so far entirely fulfilled expectations but onSaturday last we played Vanderbilt to a very close score. Brother Harriswho made his letter last year is playing a very good game at end. In facteither directly or indirectly # A 9 is well represented in athletics as we haveBrother Lile manager of the football team and Brother Mackay manager ofthe baseball team, both, needless to remark, college honors of some note.In the present march of fraternities here a house is a matter of somemoment and though our present one seems to fill present needs this is aquestion we must face in the near future.<strong>No</strong>w that the smoke has cleared away ^ A 9 has settled down to whatpromises to be an exceedingly prosperous year both for the fraternity hereand the individual men in the chapter.University, Va., <strong>No</strong>vember 8, 1912. HAROLD HATHAWAY.VIRGINIA GAMMA, RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGEAfter three months, filled with the joy of courtship, under summer skies,seven of Virginia Gamma's chapter returned to again pursue the studentlife. Much to our regret, outside of the retirement of Brothers Bob Maryeand Rives Childs by graduation. Brothers Robert and Edward Sheffey didnot answer the call to the fold, the former deciding that Cornell was worthyof his allegiance and the latter selecting Washington and Lee. <strong>No</strong>twith-

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