1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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178 THE SCROLL ,Contrary to our expectations only twenty-one members returned this fall,we had counted on at the least twenty-three men. Brothers Beauvais and A. J.Landry failed to return, the former having gone into business in Chicago,111., while the latter is with Gore and McGregor, Victoria, B. C.McGill made a great stride towards the Intercollegiate Rugby championshipon Saturday, October 19 by defeating Toronto University by a score of 28to 7. We have representing Quebec Alpha on the team. Brothers W. G. Masson,Reid, Rankin, and Montgomery, and Brothers G. Kennedy, Duclos, andHall on the second team.Brother G. Bell paid us a brief visit and carried off a blushing bride.We also received visits from Brothers Cuzner and Evans, Ontario Alpha, andLovell, W. P. Smith, and Lumsden. W. S. ATKINSON.Montreal, Que., October 19, 1912.RHODE ISLAND ALPHA, BROWNUNIVERSITYFor a week preceding the opening of college on Wednesday, September25, and for two weeks after this time Brother Kratz aided by members ofthe alumni club and the active brothers have been engaged in carefully layingplans for the present year and looking over the ground for new and suitable<strong>Phi</strong>s and this he did with the hightest degree of success as our 1916 delegationclearly shows.The men of Rhode Island Alpha have launched forth upon the year nowat hand with a zeal that promises to make this one of the most successful yearsin the history of the chapter.Brother Kratz is playing his usual hard game at right tackle on the varsityeleven and Brother Maxwell has won his way to a position as right guard.Brother Hincks still remains unrivalled as college gymnast, the positionhe won last year.At the election of the senior class officers on Tuesday, October 14, BrotherKratz was elected first vice-president. S. J. ROWLAND.Providence, R. I., October 18, 1912.SOUTH DAKOTA ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTASouth Dakota Alpha returned fifteen old men when school opened on theeighteenth of September. Although we had lost fourteen of our strongest menby graduation and retirement, we were not disheartened as the entering class,which included 130 freshmen, was very rich in fraternity material. From thiswealth of material, we have already picked seven pledges and we still have5ome excellent men in view. Rushing was a very strenuous exercise this fallowing to the fact that B 9 II has at last granted a charter to the petitioninglocal here but with the aid of our alumni and with many improvements onour property to help us, we succeeded in getting nearly every man we wanted.The football season opened auspiciously for us when Minnesota went downto defeat by the score of lo-o. We were represented on the trip by BrothersGhrist and Fry and <strong>Phi</strong>keia King. Among our other men on the squad, are<strong>Phi</strong>keias Vidal, Henley and Cloud who give promise of future ability. Manyof the active chapter made the trip to Minneapolis and were royally entertainedby the Minnesota chapter.Many honors have been showered upon the brothers since our last letter,the most important being: Brothers Pettigrew, manager of athletics, Powers,president of the engineering association, Fry, member of the athletic board ofcontrol, and Wadden, member of the Volante board of control.Many visitors have been received by us since the opening of school, amongthem we were very glad to welcome Brothers Brisbine, Cooper, and Bagstadof this chapter and Brother Strayer of Colorado Alpha. We wish to thankour alumni and especially Brother Cooper for their aid to us during therushing season.S. F. WADDEN.Vermilion, S. Dak., October 12, 1912.

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