1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 177PENNSYLVANIA ETA, LEHIGH UNIVERSITYThe Lehigh chapter takes great pleasure in introducing to the Fraternitythe following initiates: Brothers Adams, McEwan, Perry, Amos, Quinn,Borden, Reade, and Perkins, all of the class of 1916. Of these men Adams isa nephew of S. B. Knox, Pennsylvania Eta, '93, and Borden, a brother ofF. S. Borden, Pennsylvania Eta, '11.The university is enthusiastic over the outlook for its football team thisseason and the coming games are everywhere the topic of conversation.Pennsylvania Eta is represented on the varsity eleven by Brother Crichton, '15,and on the scrubs by Brother Dickey, '1.5.In the "founders' day" sports a series of three events between sophomoresand freshmen, namely, football, baseball, and track, the chapter was wellrepresented by Brother Dickey, sophomore baseball and football. BrotherMurphy, sophomore track. Brothers Adams and Perry, freshman football, andBrother Borden, freshman baseball. The freshmen won the football game andrelay.The following college honors have been recorded since the last SCROLLletter: Brother Clarke, '13, Arcadia; Brothers Murphy, Crichton, and Dickey,'15, Scimitar Club; Brother Adams, '16, class treasurer.Since the chapter has moved into its new home we have been visited bythe following alumni: Brothers Knox, '93, Spaeth, '07, Homer, '11, Smith,'12, Baird, '12. Brothers Camp, '12, and Walker, ex-'i2, are. on an indefinitevisit to the chapter. <strong>Phi</strong>keia Prickett, '14, has left college'temporarily butexpects to return second term. The chapter also takes pleasure in introducing<strong>Phi</strong>keia Kring, '16. Brothers Tierney, New York Alpha, and Wright, PennsylvaniaAlpha, are at present taking up work in Lehigh.South Bethlehem, Pa., October 20, 19x2. E. W. CHANDLER.PENNSYLVANIA THETA, PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGECollege opened September 18 with a large increase of enrollment, a gainof over 200 students compared to last year. The total enrollment of thecollege is about 2300. The standard of the freshman class appears to be atrifle lower than that of preceding years but Pennsylvania <strong>Theta</strong> managed tosecure six exceptionally good men. We take great pleasure in introducing tothe Fraternity the following brothers: George Smith, Narberth, Pa.; AbramCox, Cynwyd, Pa.; William Curry, Warriors Mark, Pa.; Leicester Raynor,Narberth, Pa.; John France, <strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia, Pa.; and James Towsen, Harrisburg,Pa. .The football team has exceptionally bright prospects for this season havingalready won from the strong Washington and Jefferson and. Cornell teams.A delegation of 1200 students is expected to accompany the team to <strong>Phi</strong>ladelphiato witness the game with Pennsylvania. Brother Wilson is preventingany advance by the enemy around left end and Brothers Whetstone, Weston,Hay, and Thomas are on the squad.The chapter was pleased on October 11 to receive a call from BrothersSwank, Smith, Clark, Lorenze, Steidle, Dempsey, Malick, Hoerle and Fowler.We wish to acknowledge a visit from Brother Welsh earlier in the year.Brothers Fiske and Trotter have returned to finish their respective courses.Brother Perry, Case, '11, has affiliated with the chapter. Brother Hughes,Allegheny, '12, has joined the teaching force in "the English department.State College, Pa., October 25, 1912.WILLIAM H. PATTERSON. JR.QUEBEC ALPHA. McGILL UNIVERSITYA very successful rushing season has now practically come to a close, andwe are very glad to introduce Brothers C. E. Black, Montreal, Que.; L. C.Montgomery, New Richmond, Que.; T. S. Hunter, Vancouver, B. C.; andC. F. O'Gormon, Streetsville, Ont. We also have a number of other goodmen in view.

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