1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL. 7track men as Dan Kelly, Houston, Hawkins, McClure, and Williams.The 1911 tennis championship belongs to Oregon. Golf and lacrosseare two other sports which receive their due share of attention.There are two debating societies, one for men and one for womenand their training last year made Oregon northwest champion inoratory and coast champion in debate,The university is replete with clubs; there are the Glee, Choral,and Mandolin Clubs, the German, Dramatic, Canoe, Engineer, Chemistry,and Press Clubs besides numerous and sundry others of both aserious and frivolous nature."But one cannot leave the story of life at Oregon without mentionof the Mill Race and the prominent part it plays in the life of thestudent. It is a narrow stream about three miles long, bordered oneach side by tall overhanging trees, which meet in many places overhead,and which is crossed every little way by unique rustic bridges.When the first warm day proclaims that spring is here,—and thiscomes early in March, the Mill Race is thronged with canoes. Herethe student paddles along, to tie up under a shady tree and to studyin quiet and solitude. There is the idler and dreamer, paddling tothe head of the race for the pleasure of drifting home, lying on hisback and enjoying the song of the birds and the sunlight flickeringthrough the leaves overhead. There go some merrymakers to builda fire and broil their steaks before the darkness comes. Later theywill float back, singing, drifting, singing, as the moon comes up overJudkins Point and floods the Race with its light."Poems have been written, romances spun, and the fortunes of theUniversity decided as the students have floated dreamily along. It'sthe tie of the Mill Race that binds -the oldest graduate to the youngestfreshman, and around it center the life and traditions of Oregon."HOMER MARIS, Oregon, '13.HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF DELTA SIGMAThe <strong>Delta</strong> Sigma Fraternity was organized at the University ofOregon during the spring semester of 1910. The organization of anew club had been considered for some time and after a visit fromFred Tegtmeier, Washington, '09, definite steps were taken towardorganizing a club to petition for a charter of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>.The petition was signed on April 4. 1910 by the thirteen chartermembers of <strong>Delta</strong> Sigma. The local fraternity existed sub rosauntil June and in the interim a constitution and a simple ritual wereadopted. At that time also a house was leased for the coming yearand a bulletin was issued and sent to chapters and alumni clubs of* A ©. The Oregon petition was brought before the Niagara Fallsconvention in 1910.In September 1910 one upperclassman was initiated and five freshmenwere received as pledges. According to the rule of the society

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