1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 163MINNESOTA ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAThe college year opened September i8 with a convocation at the universityarmory and a spirited address by Governor Woodrow Wilson, an occasionthoroughly awe inspiring to the freshmen.Minnesota Alpha is pleased to announce that she is soon to occupy a finenew home on the corner of Eleventh and University Avenues, S. E., Minneapolis.Through hard and consistent work of the alumni house associationand active members, we expect to have our home completed by December i.The chapter is occupying temporary quarters at i6 Florence Court.Thirteen active men returned to the chapter this fall and all are out tomake a place for ^ A 9 second to none in the university. We take pleasurein introducing <strong>Phi</strong>keias Frisbee, Boyce, Egginton, Hoerr, West, Bagley,Bacon, Fitzpatrick and Rankin.Since our last letter the chapter has added the following honors: BrotherPardee, president of the senior law class; Brother Sheild, on the dramaticsociety; Brother Hayward, president of the junior ball; Brother Webster,president of the glee club; and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Rankin, editor-in-chief of the Gopherstaff; Brother Hayward is playing right half on the 'varsity football team.October 15, Alumni Day, was the occasion for a get together at the chapterrooms of Twin City Alumni and the active members. This meeting brought thechapter into closer acquaintance with our alumni, renewed our bonds toone another and aroused a deeper interest of our alumni in the active chapter.The chapter is planning a number of social affairs to be held in the new housesoon after New Years, to make the alumni and parents of active membersbetter acquainted with our chapter life.Minneapolis, Minn., October 22, 1912. R. O. WEBSTER.MISSOURI ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURIThe university opened this year with a very large enrollment offeringgood fraternity material. The chapter returned eighteen men which was verymuch above the average for the fraternities here. We have a full chaptercounting our pledges which under the present ruling we are unable toinitiate until they have fifteen hours credit in this' university.We have affiliated Brother Lamade from Pennsylvania State, who istaking Journalism here. We have the following pledges: Kemper, fromKansas City; Jamerson and Peaterson, from St. Joseph; Simerall, fromExcelsior Springs; Johnson, from St. Louis; Phew, from Shreveport, La.;Smith, from Texarkana, Tex.; Allison, from Taylor, Tex. Five of these menhave very close relatives that are <strong>Phi</strong>s.The university has had some trouble with the fraternities and last yearimposed a ruling on them stating: "<strong>No</strong> student could become a member of anyfraternity until he had completed twenty-four hours credit in the university."This was later amended and the present ruling is: "<strong>No</strong> man can become amember of any fraternity until he has passed fifteen hours satisfactory creditin the university and if they do not make the fifteen hours in the firstsemester they must wait until they have completed twenty-four hours credit."This has caused a great deal of comment among the fraternities. They havetaken several influential men into the Pan-Hellenic council and are doing somegood work; five were taken of whom three were <strong>Phi</strong>s. Brother Drum is thepresent president succeeding Brothers Byres and Estill. All the fraternitiesare very much pleased with the working of the present council and are inhopes that the ruling will be changed and that the fraternities rule themselvesthrough the present council. The ruling was made by the faculty becausepoor work was being done by the fraternity men, but we are very glad tostate that we are second in the list and 7 per cent above the student body.Missouri Alpha is making a very hard fight for a new house and hopesto get it started in the spring. Our old home was not desirable and was soldtwo years ago. We have a very desirable lot and funds enough in sight to

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