1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 161ing season this year, due to the small size of the entering class, was a particularlyhard one it turned out successfully for us and we are happy to presentto the Fraternity the following men from the class of 1916: BrothersWilliam Dearborn Clark, San Francisco, Cal.; Jack Arthur Conway, Brooklyn,N. Y.; Jay Sylvester Jones, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Joseph Hiram Main, NewYork City; and <strong>Phi</strong>llips Bassett Shaw, Chicago, 111.Initiations were held October 17 and 19 and on the following evening weheld our annual initiation banquet at the chapter house, which was a greatsuccess. _ Brothers Case, '06, and Goddard, McCredie ahd Rahill of last year'sdelegation were back with us and in addition we had the pleasure of entertainingseven visiting <strong>Phi</strong>s from Dartmouth and three from Amherst. BrotherCase acted as toastmaster and among the speakers were Brothers Hamlin, '12,J. H. Main, '16, W. W. Behlow, California Beta, '07, West, '14, and Porter,'15. Brothers Davis, Dartmouth, '06, president of the Boston Alumni Club,DeWitt, Dartmouth, Renfrew, Amherst, and Rahill, Williams, '12, also deliveredimpromptu speeches.In practically every branch of college activities we are well represented thisyear. Brother Jones, '12, is a member of the Record board, sings on the gleeclubs and is manager of the hockey team. Brothers Young, Sheafer andWyman are on the football squad. Brother Ely is assistant manager of football,is on the Record board and also the musical clubs. Brother West isleader of the mandolin club and also sings on the college choir. BrothersLester, Staats and Patterson are members of the musical clubs. BrotherPorter is on the musical clubs and sings on the college choir. Brother Mainis on the Purple Cow board, the college humorous publication. Brothers Elyand Hodge have been elected to Fasces, the junior honorary society.In the fall sophomore-freshman baseball series we were represented byBrothers Dempsey on the sophomore team and Jones and Conway on thefreshman team.EDWARD H. TITUS.Williamstown, Mass., October 22, 1912.MASSACHUSETTS BETA, AMHERST COLLEGEAnother college year has begun, and Massachusetts Beta looks forth ona most prosperous existence. In the first place, our twenty-fifth anniversarywill be crowned with the opening of our new chapter house. During thesummer our present site was sold to the college, and exchanged for the siteknown as "The Kindergarten Lot" adjacent to College Hall. It is due chieflyto the earnest efforts of Brother F. B. Loomis, who, in spite of his numerousduties as Professor in fhe Biological Department of Amherst College, haszealously pushed our building proposition ahead, that we are now able to seeour new chapter house well under construction. The new house will be completedabout the middle of next May, and the dedication will take place shortlybefore commencement time.The new site contains about three quarters of an acre. The house itselfwill face sixty-four feet oh <strong>No</strong>rthampton Road and thirty-eight feet on ParsonsStreet. When completed we expect to have a thoroughly modern andattractive building. It will be colonial in style, made of red brick and decoratedwith white trimmings to harmonize with the more recent fraternity andcollege buildings in Amherst. The house will be three stories high in additionto the basement. The basement provides for shower baths, lockers, storagerooms, toilet and furnace rooms. On the first floor a hall running theentire width of the building, and opening upon the front porch by means ofFrench windows, will form the centre axis of the building. On the left ofthis hallway will be a large smoking room, and on the right, a music room.At the rear will be two studies and two chambers. The second floor willconsist of four suites, bathrooms and a hall. The third floor will be verysimilar to the second. The house will accommodate twenty members, and willbe a most excellent home for the chapter.The entering class this year was exceptionally small, numbering scarcely

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