1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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160 THE SCROLLdays. Brother Smith was enroute to -Houston, Texas, where he has accepteda position as attorney with a real estate firm.New Orleans, La., October 13, 1912.JOHN B. DICKS.MAINE ALPHA, COLBY COLLEGEColby College has launched upon her 93d year with increased evidence ofthe great forward step she has been taking since the regime of her presentpresident, Brother Roberts. The freshman class registered one hundred fiftytwo,and the total enrollment is well over the four hundred mark.At the opening of college on September 19, the active chapter numberedtwenty-nine men. We lost four by graduation, and five others. BrothersRivers, McGuffie, Moore, Murphy, and Doyle, failed to return to college.Brother Doyle, '14, left us to attend Dartmouth. Brother Murphy is civilengineeringin the Canadian <strong>No</strong>rthwest. We regret to report that Brother Mc­Guffie was unable to return on account of sickness. He is at present in theMaine Sanitarium, at Hebron, and we' sincerely hope if any of the brothersare in this vicinity they will endeavor to visit him. Brother Butler, who leftus during 1911, has returned to college and will graduate with the class of1914. Brother Arey, who left us in 1908, has returned to college and isnow a member of the class of 1915^ Brother Wilson, who left last year toattend New Hampshire State College is with us again this year.We had five pledged men from last spring, two from the class of 1915,and three from the local preparatory school, two of whom we had pledged lastfall, but failure to meet the entrance requirements forced them to return tothe fitting school. We have also pledged four more from the entering dags,two of whom are brothers to members of the chapter. The men pledged are:Larkin, Murchie, Lawney, Merrill, Doyle, Blackington, and O'Neil from1916; Guptill and Robinson from 1915. Rather than having a hard rushingseason material was so abundant Maine Alpha experienced difficulty in keepingher numbers down to reasonable proportions. We consider ourselves fortunatein the men we have pledged. We will not start our initiation untilpractically the close of the football season.Football prospects at Colby are brighter than ever before, and the Mainechampionship does not look impossible. The season opened with a hardfought game against Brown, which we lost by a placement kick, in the lastperiod. In this game <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> had seven men. Brothers Hunt, Laddand Dacey, on the line. Eraser, Taylar, Merrill and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Lowney, inthe back-field. All of these are varsity men at the present time, and inaddition we have Brother Jones, and <strong>Phi</strong>keias Murchie, Irving, Merrill andO'Neil on the squad; a total representation of eleven. Colby is yet to haveher goal line crossed, but we expect the game against University of Maine,next week, to be a fierce struggle.Independent of football the chapter is well represented in the activitiesof the college. Brother Nardini, who won the New England Intercollegiate100 yard dash championship last spring, will captain the track team for thisyear, and expects to have an excellent team. Good work is looked for from<strong>Phi</strong>keia Murchie in the weights, as he placed 30 feet on the Maine Interscholasticrecord in the hammer last spring.Brother Keyes is president of the Y. M. C. A. and is endeavoring to placethis organization on a firmer footing than ever before. Brother Mayo isbusiness manager of The Echo, the college weekly publication.Waterville, Me., October ig, 1912. NORMAN J. MERRILL.MASSACHUSETTS ALPHA, WILLIAMS COLLEGECollege opened here September 19, but fully a week before that time ouractive chapter, numbering twenty-one men, were back for rushing season.During this period we were helped out considerably by Brothers Lester, '11,who was with us for one week, Lambie, '10, and Parker, 'ii. Although rush-

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