1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 159The <strong>Phi</strong>keias we wish to present are: William Clark and Cecil Jake, ofOwensboro; Hugh M. Kice, of Pewee Valley; Henry Cromwell, of Cynthiana;Scott Duncan and Bentley Young, of Louisville; Bradley Portwood, of Lexington.In football we are represented by: Brothers James Park, who is starquarter on the varsity; Frank Kennedy, captain and end on the sophomoreteam; <strong>Phi</strong>keia Clark, captain and quarter on the freshman team, of which<strong>Phi</strong>keias Jake and Duncan are ends, and <strong>Phi</strong>keias Young and Kice, guards.Brothers Kennedy and Waller sing in the glee club. Brother Clark Rogersis • vice-president of the Kentucky mining society.To the alumni of our own as well as of other chapters we wish to expressour thanks for the help we received in securing information concerning therushees. Brother Barker remained a week with us during the critical rushingperiod taking complete charge of a smoker and an extremely "nifty" informalparty given as a sort of housewarming. This is the first of a series of partieswe have planned. Brothers Lewis, '14, and Polk Threlkeld visited us acouple of days. Among others from whom we enjoyed visits are: BrothersWalker, '10, Kennaird, Kentucky Alphar<strong>Delta</strong>, '12, Kenneth Underwood, '13,G. E. Wiseman, Kentucky Alpha-<strong>Delta</strong>, '12, and H. E. Melton, '12.An autographed copy of the "Loom of Life" was given us by BrotherJ. T. C. <strong>No</strong>e, Indiana <strong>Delta</strong>, '87. We 'recommend it to brothers who havenot yet had the pleasure of reading it, since we are unable to praise itsufficiently. ADOLPH WALKER.Lexington, Ky., October 18, 1912.LOUISIANA ALPHA, TULANE UNIVERSITYDeparting with a riot of haste, but returning with all faith, good will andassurance to make the coming year a memorable one every man of LouisianaAlpha returned except three whom we have lost by graduation. BrothersLouis J. Fortier and Edwin E. Benoist, who have both been absent fromcollege for the past year are again active in the chapter which gives us eightmen with which to start the fall rushing. Most of the brothers were on the •ground two weeks before the college opened to look out for new <strong>Phi</strong> material,and the out-look is exceedingly good for a most prosperous year. This year'sPan-Hellenic regulation going into effect in regard to the bidding and pledgingof freshmen enables new men to fully realize what * A 9 stands for. Spikingday falls on <strong>No</strong>vember i. With this day in view Louisiana Alpha has planneda series of small dances the first of which will be given on October ig.At the first meeting of the freshman medical class Brother Miller waselected president, and Brothers Parker and Dicks were elected to serve on theJambalaya board for the ensuing year.On Tuesday, October 8, when the meeting of the senior German Club wasfirst held Brother Miller was elected vice-president. The senior GermanClub is the most representative organization at Tulane, and Brother Miller'selection is quite an honor. Brother Charbonnet and Stubbs were electedmembers.Tulane played her first football game of the season on Tuesday, October 8,defeating Jefferson College <strong>37</strong>-0. Prospects are very bright for a most successfulseason. The new gymnasium, so long needed by Tulane, has beencompleted and will greatly aid all branches of athletics. The formal openingtook place on Friday, October 12, by a cotillion. Brother Provosty, chairmanof the committee, deserves much credit for the success of the German.On Saturday, October 5, Louisiana Alpha held an initiation- ceremony andnow takes pleasure in introducing to ^ A 9, Brothers Eugene Jackson Edwards,of Milledgeville, Ga.; William Earnest Penick and William Alice West, ofNew Orleans, La.Brothers Fred, Virginia Zeta, Taylor, Alabama Alpha, and Smith, NewYork <strong>Delta</strong>, paid Louisiana Alpha a very enjoyable •visit during the last few

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