1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 155this year and we congratulate ourselves on our success during the spikingseason. We are glad to report five of the best men who entered college asour pledges, viz; Robert J. Millis, son of President Millis, Hanover; IrvinE. Brashear, Brighton, Colo.; Floyd E. James and Charles W. James, Lexington; and Paul McCain, Kentland.We are represented on the football team by Brothers McLaughlin, Kehoe,M. Montgomery, and <strong>Phi</strong>keia McCain. Brother McLaughlin has been chosenby the faculty committee on athletics as captain of the 1913 baseball team.We have had the pleasure of visits from Brothers W. E. McKee, '91, andDonald DuShane, '06, during the past month.Our house and grounds have been repaired during the summer and presenta pleasing appearance. LEONARD HUBER.Hanover, Ind., October 18, 1912.INDIANA ZETA, DEPAUW UNIVERSITYAgain Indiana Zeta has won in the spike. The rush began on Monday,September 16, and when it had closed on Thursday, September 19, we hadpledged the eight best men who entered the university this fall. Great creditis the due of Brother Donald Brewer, who directed the successful rushingprogram. The chapter wishes to introduce <strong>Phi</strong>keias Funkhouser, Keeney andMcCurdy of Evansville, Ind.; Hadley and Olcott of Indianapolis, Ind.; Ellisof Vincennes, Ind.; Law of Logansport, Ind.; and Hixon of Greencastle, Ind.DePauw's prospects for a successful year in football seem small after acrushing defeat of 62-0 at the hands of Wabash. Coach Cunningham hasissued a call for new men and Brother Guild, who played a strong gameat half back for the seniors on old gold day, and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Law are goingout to practice for the varsity. Brothers Grady and Minfzer have regularpositions on the team and the former will probably be the captain of nextyear's team.Indications are that DePauw will be represented this year by an all-<strong>Phi</strong>debating team. Brothers Letzler, Jewett, and Smith and <strong>Phi</strong>keias Ellis andOlcott are all making vigorous preparations to try out for the debate squadwhen the subject is announced. Brother Smith is also working hard on hisoration which he will deliver in the primary for the state oratorical contest.The DePauw Daily is beginning the best year of its existence. A numberof new editorial ideas are being put into practice and promise to be successful.Brother Guild is assistant editor-in-chief and Brother Allen is on the reportorialstaff.Brother Letzler has brought honor to the fraternity by his election toKappa Tau Kappa, the honorary senior fraternity.Greencastle, Ind., October 14, 1912. W. CLYDE ALLEN.INDIANA THETA, PURDUE UNIVERSITYWhen the fall term opened here on September ii, we had eleven men inthe chapter from those who were here last year. Brother J. J. Johnston, whowas initiated in the spring of 1911, and who went to Lafayette College, lastyear, and Brother Jean Milner, who was initiated at Georgia <strong>Delta</strong> last year,have entered Purdue this fall. We are certainly glad to have these brotherswith us.So far this year, we have pledged thirteen men, and have several more goodmen in view. We believe that these men are in every way up to the ideals of<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> and that they will undoubtedly prove to be worthy. Thepledges are: Leavens Cady, Ralph Nessler, Arnold Talbott, Leland Woolery,Charles Pearson, and Adrian Bancker from Indianapolis, Ind.; Fred Ledder,Covington, Ky.; Thorne Crabbe, Louisville, Ky.; Van Tuyl Oxer and BruceGobel, Greenfield, Ind.; Carl <strong>No</strong>ttingham, Eaton, Ind.; Cecil Borum, Wingate,Ind.; and Donald Alexandria, Rushville, Ind.Purdue's prospects for a winning football team are much brighter than

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