1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 151Among our pledges is Harrison Acker, now one of the freshmen footballplayers and a man whom Coach Stagg believes to be a coming star of thefirst magnitude.<strong>Phi</strong>s from other schools who have entered the university and are enthusiasticallytaking part in the affairs of the fraternity are the following: BrothersGee, from Ohio Alpha; Rice and Ross, from South Dakota Alpha; Harrisonand Allen, from Texas Gamma; Miller, from Indiana <strong>Delta</strong>; Perry, fromIllinois <strong>Delta</strong> and Stout from New Hampshire Alpha.Brother Steffen is now helping Coach Stagg with the football team in preparationfor the game with Wisconsin. Brother Stevens of Illinois Alpha isnow a member of the English department of the university.The following <strong>Phi</strong>s have visited the chapter: The Green brothers, fromIllinois Eta, Wood, of Wisconsin Alpha, and Murdock, of "Illinois Alpha.Brother Murdock is vice president of Zeta Province.Chicago, III., October 30, 1912.WILLIAM S. MATHEWS.ILLINOIS DELTA, KNOX COLLEGEIllinois <strong>Delta</strong> has begun what promises to be a very successful year. Thatthis is not fiction but fact you may see by the following. Although somewhathandicapped during rushing season by the lack of a good house, yet we havesecured a number of strong freshmen. The list of our pledges runs as follows: Franz Harshbarger, Abingdon, 111.; E. Parr, Astoria, 111.; Carrol, Bradford,111.; William Tomlinson, Galesburg, 111.; Samuel Harrington, Galesburg;Irvin Gabrielson, Galesburg; Steven Rush, Galesburg.<strong>Phi</strong>keia Harshbarger is playing on the varsity football team and <strong>Phi</strong>keiaCarrol has made the glee club. Brothers Wilkins, Plantz and McWilliams areholding down positions on the varsity, while Brothers Gridley and Pollock areplaying stellar games with the reserves. Brother Wilkins is manager of thevarsity this year. Brother Prince is captain of this year's basketball team.Brother Welsh is editor of the Knox Student and Brother Jacobson is a memberof the staff. Brothers Atkins, Crawford and Gillis have made the gleeclub. Brother Gillis. is head of the labor bureau of the college. We are fortunateto have Brother Wilkins again as house manager.As October 15 was appointed as alumni night the chapter made suitablepreparations and invited the town alumni down to the house for the evening.About a dozen responded and a very pleasant evening was spent. Entertainmentwas furnished by the freshmen, after which refreshments were served.It is on such occasions that the active chapter can best get acquainted withthe alumni and vice versa. We hope to duplicate the performance later inthe year.Although Illinois <strong>Delta</strong> lost a number of strong men last year we havereason to believe that the chapter this year will equal that of former years.We are looking forward to a most eventful and gratifying year.Galesburg, 111., October 22, 1912.VERNON M. WELSH.ILLINOIS ZETA, LOMBARD COLLEGELombard College opened on September 3 for its 6oth year of work. Thecollege this year is under a new head and shows a decided gain in attendance.Everything indicates that under the new management the college is to passthrough its most successful year.All of last years men returned this fall except Brothers Pierce Webster andGeorge Webster who are attending Dartmouth, Simmons with the Burlingtonrailroad, and Cropper, Brumfiel and Radcliffe whom we lost by graduation.Brother Bock who has been out of school for two years has returned to collegethis fall. We succeeded in pledging the best eight men in college.These new men are Don Brewer, Webster City, Iowa; Edward Dunham, OakPark, 111.; <strong>Phi</strong>l Leonard, Joliet 111.; Grover Smith, Lockport, III.; William

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