1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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150 THE SCROLLThe left wing of the Administration Building is now near completion, andwill be ready for occupancy about January i.Moscow, Idaho, October 15, 1912.VERNON P. FAWCETT.ILLINOIS ALPHA, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYWe have had a promising beginning this year at <strong>No</strong>rthwestern. All buttwo of the chapter returned this fall. Brother Paddock is attending businesscollege at Burlington, Iowa, and Brother Pasewalk is in the Engineering Schoolat Illinois.The gap in the ranks left by these two brothers is filled, however, by thereturn of Brother Paul Luker, who is enrolled as a junior in the Law School,and Brother W. J. Vaught of Texas Gamma, who will affiliate with us.In our rushing we were successful even beyond our expectations, pledgingas strong an aggregation of freshmen as we have ever had. Our list of<strong>Phi</strong>keias this year is as follows: Walter J. Kelly, Chicago; J. L. Turnbull,Speer, 111.; Douglas T. Hoffman, Kenyon Pope, Brenton U. Groves, Wilmette,111.; E. Byers Wilcox, LaPorte, Ind.; Clarence S. Lathbury, Havana, 111.;Frank W. Hawley, Huntington, Ind.; Grant Goodrich, Chicago; and WilliamV. Wilson, Fargo, <strong>No</strong>rth Dakota. <strong>Phi</strong>keia John J. Cosner, of Louisiana, isa junior in the College of Liberal Arts.Brother Yaple, '12, is in the Y. M. C. A. work in New York City; BrotherPope, '12, is engaged in farming in Biloxi, Miss.; and Brother Weese, '12,is a chemist at the Illinois Steel Works in Chicago. Brother Aldrich is inthe Medical School this year and Brother Grady, of DePauw, is instructorin physical training at <strong>No</strong>rthwestern.The <strong>Phi</strong>s in .this chapter are taking an active part in college affairs thisyear aiid are receiving their share of the honors as well. Brother Wilson ispresident of the athletic association of the Interfraternity Council; BrotherStockton, president of the sophomore class; Brother Dick, Liberal Arts managerof the Syllabus; Brother Eaton, circulation manager of the Daily <strong>No</strong>rthwestern;Brother Forbes, varsity cheer leader; Brother Hightower, quarterbackon the varsity football team, and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Turnbull, chairman of thefreshman play.Besides these, the brothers and <strong>Phi</strong>keias have shown an interest in thevarious athletic teams. Brother Johnson is on the track team, <strong>Phi</strong>keias Grovesand Kelly on the freshman track team, and <strong>Phi</strong>keias Goodrich and Lathburyare members of the freshman swimming squad. Brothers Eaton, Wilson,Stockton, Voak, and Messelhiser, and <strong>Phi</strong>keias Cosner, Kelly, and Hoffmanplay on the various class football teams.The first informal party of Illinois Alpha was held at Kenilworth Hall onOctober 12.WILLIAM C. KELLEY.Evanston, 111., October 18, 1912.ILLINOIS BETA, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOHonored by the presence of President Lamkin, Secretary Coxe, ReporterDavis and Treasurer Pope of the general council and many <strong>Phi</strong>s of otherchapters, the active members of Illinois Beta formally opened the schoolyear after several weeks of strenuous but productive work. Through theirpreliminary struggles the active chapter had the ever-ready and helping handof their alumni. Brothers Quantrell, Steffen, Hales, Krog, Caldwell, Carter,Radford, Godso, Smith, Ramsey and Tiedebohl gave no little of their time andthought to assist the chapter. To these and the visiting brothers the chapteris particularly grateful.The rushing season has been one characterized by keen competition and itsattending excitement. In it the chapter gains distinction by securing some ofthe best fraternity material which has ever entered the university. This isparticularly significant as it not only attests to the strength of the local chapterin securing such men but assures the strength of the chapter in the future.

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