1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 143Ohio to Texas or Minnesota to Georgia that such and such a policyand no other must be adopted, nor can chapters from the financiallyand numerically great institutions such as Columbia, Vanderbilt,Pennsylvania, California and Wisconsin dictate the policyof the Fraternity as concerns chapters from the smaller collegessuch as Williams, Wabash, Emory, Westminster and Sewanee. But,if in a broad spirit of open mindedness and in the light of full andfree discussion and consideration, we enter upon and perform theduties devolving upon us in this convention, there can be no doubtthat when we adjourn sine die, the result of our labors will morenearly approach the ideals of perfection a true college brotherhoodought to attain.A perusal of the chapter correspondence in this issue of THESCROLL again calls to mind the fact that we are growing by leapsand bounds. Almost without exception all our chapters report a,successful rushing season and if this year's harvest of freshmen isto be judged by the past we can truly congratulate ourselves uponboth the quantity and quality of our recruits. To all our new pledgesand initiates we extend a hearty welcome into a society whose idealsare high and whose work is never ended. We believe the step justtaken will never be regretted; by them because we believe we canhelp them, by us because we know that as they enter upon thenumerous duties and privileges of active chapter life we are assuredof continued prosperity as a Fraternity. We want our first messageto them to be that only as they participate in our labors can theyenjoy our benefits, for no member ever obtains any good out ofan organization, be it political, social, religious or fraternal, unlesshe puts something into it, and the former is always measured bythe latter. From the standpoint of the alumni we assure ourneophites of our most hearty support as they advance to the placewhere they must take up the responsibility of maintaining <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong><strong>Theta</strong> in her present high standing. Our toast to them is: "Hereis to four years of hard work, high attainment, good times and successfulgraduation."

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