1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 141EDITORIALThe Chicago convention, the thirty-second national meeting of<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>, is naturally at this time the topic of greatest importancein the minds of the <strong>Phi</strong> world. We are all looking forwardto this gathering with mingled anticipations of pleasure andprofit and we have no hesitancy whatever in predicting that no onewill be disappointed in either expectation. The preliminary arrangementsare being handled in a most expeditious and thorough mannerby our hosts, the Chicago Alumni Club. Everything possible tobe done for our accommodation, comfort and entertainment, has beenor will be arranged for, by the club's committees. The managementof the Hotel La Salle, where the convention is to be held, has beenmost courteous and liberal in extending to the general council andFraternity at large all the concessions and aid in the matter of detailsthat go toward the holding of a successful convention. All inall we predict that this convention will, in every particular, eclipseall the thirty-one that have preceded it.Fraternity business, being the primary reason for the convention,is a matter that should have fitst place in the minds of all delegates.While we believe that ours is the best fraternity, yet we must notallow any complacency on that score to cause us to forget that weare by no means perfect. True, our ideals and purposes as expressedin the Bond we may regard as practical perfection, still ourmethods of working up to those ideals and the details of working outthose purposes are not yet perfect. Past conventions have alwaysmarked improvement and we know of no good reason to believe thatat Chicago another long step forward will not be taken. To do so,however, requires careful and clear thinking in advance and fulland free discussion in session. So, while we are enjoying to the fullthe elaborate entertainment that will be provided for us, let us all,officers, delegates and visitors, see to it that the very best that is inus be reserved for use in the important business that will confrontus on the floor of the national convention. The eyes of <strong>Phi</strong>s thecountry over will be upon us and it is our duty and privilege to act^nd legislate in such a way as to mark a distinct epoch in the historyof <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>.

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