1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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140 THE SCROLLnew house soon. The Missouri lot is entirely paid for. Amhersthas bought another lot and has begun building this fall, Indiana hasbought a lot and expects to build soon, Cornell also is talking abouta new house, Emory has entirely paid for its house,iBrother H, L, Wilson is at work on a history of the <strong>No</strong>rthwesternchapter. Colorado had a successful parents day last May, when parentsof the active members were entertained by the chapter. On;March 1 Washburn had a <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> play by one of its members atthe chapter house, with a complete stage and a set of scenery speciallypainted for the production. Pennsylvania State had a Christmastree, and a show by the freshmen members, just before Christmas.Part I of the year book contains the preface of the editor, anarticle about $ A ® in general during 1911-12, and the followingmatter prepared for the third edition of the Mannual: Statisticsof chapter houses, a list of prominent members of * A ®, andstatistics showing the number of active chapters and the membershipof fraternities. This introductory matter, with illustrations ofchapter houses, makes 28 pages, the chapter letters cover 385 pages;and Part II, comprising the lists of alumni and active members byclasses, 543 pages.The compilation of a book of this size and with so many detailsis a burdensome task. The editor this year is Brother Thomas A,_Davis, who did the work in addition to his work as R, G, C, andeditor of THE SCROLL and The Palladium. He deserves much creditfor the careful attention he has given to the book. However, adoubt has arisen in the minds of many as to whether the presentsystem of issuing chapter letters and publishing them again in bookform is a success, or rather whether the results justify the largeexpense. Brother Davis says:The editor entertains grave doubts as to the advisability of continuing thepublication of the year book in the future. We do not believe the good derivedby either the chapters themselves or the alumni is commensurate with thetrouble and expense involved, and we hope the next national convention willeither modify the present plan as required by the code or devise a new schemewhereby equal benefit may be had with less expense to the chapters than ourpresent plan.In the December Palladium the undersigned will propose a substitutefor the annual chapter letter and year book plan. The provisionof the code for the publications every four years of a cataloguewith an alphabetical index and a residence directory has notbeen observed. The greatest need of

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