1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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122 THE SCROLLlost in the semi-finals. The United States 400 meter relay team, of which hewas a member, was disqualified on a technicality after it had defeated in thesemi-finals the British four, the final victors. To lose to the world's best wasno disgrace, especially when contestants like John Paul Jones, Young, Davenport,Horine and Sheppard were defeated in their events. Besides, Courtneyis only twenty-one years old and has plenty of time to win at the nextOlympiad.Tersely, Courtney's fighting face resembles that of Bat Nelson.And he is a junior law student.ARCHIE MAJOR, Washington State, '13.CARROLL BARSE HAFFCaroU Barse Haff, IMichigan Alpha, '13, was one of the four<strong>Phi</strong>s, who, either as captain or captain-elect of his respective collegeteam, took part in the Olympic games at Stockholm last summer."Hap" entered Michigan in the fall of 1909, and was initiated into<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> in <strong>No</strong>vember of that year. During his stay atMontclair Military Academy, he gained an enviable record as anall-round athlete. During his freshman year he played on the allfreshmanfootball team, and helped pitch the freshman literary classinto the interclass baseball championship. <strong>No</strong>t until his second yeardid he turn his attention to track athletics, but from then on hisprogress in that line has been remarkable. Dr. Kranzlein firsttried Hap out as a hurdler, during the 1911 indoor season, but hisskillful eye soon saw quarter mile possibilities, with the result thatHap won his letter by taking fourth place at the intercollegiategames,at Cambridge, Mass.From then on football was discarded, and the track season of1912 found Hap as one of the mainstays of the team. It was hisshowing at the last intercollegiate games that won him his captaincyand his trip to Stockholm. Running against the famous Reidpath,Hap forced him to clip 4-5 of a second off the intercollegiate recordto win the race. 48 seconds flat was the time of this race, and threefeet was all that separated the two. With Reidpath out this year,it looks like a foregone conclusion that Michigan will win first in thequarter mile.At the Olympic games, matched against the best quarter milers inthe world. Hap, after winning all of his preliminary heats, was onlybeaten in the final race by Reidpath, Braun of Germany, and Lindberg.<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> has had many great athletes in her day, butsuffice it to say that Brother Haff's name should stand well up inthe list.D. CECIL JOHNSON, Michigan, '12.FRANK DWYER MURPHYIllinois Eta of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> has been well represented in thepast two Olympic games. In 1908 Brother W. W. May went toEngland, where he participated in the dashes. During the pastgames at Stockholm, Brother Frank D. Murphy competed in the

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