1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL. 99COLLEGIATEThe University of California baseball team defeated the Chinese team ofHonolulu, 4 to 3.All men who have for two years represented Purdue in athletics will hereafterbe given gold medals,A dormitory consisting of two, three, four, and five-room apartments formarried students, their wives, and families is the latest innovation at Chicago.'Washburn College, Topeka, Kansas, and called the "Dartmouth of the west,"has increased in attendance until 1500 students are matriculated there thisyear.—2 N <strong>Delta</strong>.Stanford has received from Thomas W. Stanford of Melbourne, Australia,$50,000 to found a chair of spiritualism, the Catholic University of Washingtonhas received $25,000 for a chair to oppose the doctrines of socialism.The honor system in examinations Is rapidly gaining ground. By a voteof nearly 3 to i, it has been adopted by the students of the University of Kentucky,and, by a vote of over 4 to i, by the students in Sheffield ScientificSchool. A new honor system adopted at fhe University of Minnesota, unlikethe one formerly in force, includes the freshman and sophomore classes.Beginning October i, the Ryder Divinity School (Universalist), now atGalesburg, III., will be conducted in Chicago under an arrangement of cooperationwith the University of Chicago. The divinity school is organized asa divinity house of the university, with the usual privileges of attendance inuniversity classes. Rev. Lewis B. Fisher, D,D., now president of the school,will continue as dean and head of the house, and will give instruction in theparticular tenets of the Universalist Church,The University of Chicago, founded in 1891, has recently adopted a coatof-arms.On the upper third of the fscutcheon is an open book bearing theinscription "Crescat scientia; vita excolatur," which may be liberally rendered,"Let knowledge grow from more to more; and so be human life enriched."The lower two-thirds of the shield displays the phoenix, referring to the cityof Chicago, which rose from its ashes after the great fire in 1871, and also tofhe first University of Chicago, which existed from 1857 to 1886,Plans are well under way for the appropriate celebration of the one hundredand fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Brown University. The collegewas established in 1764, and October, 1914, has been chosen for the anniversaryexercises. Every important institution in America and Europe will be invitedto send delegates. The spectacular side of fhe celebration is to include apageant in which the university will seek to represent the varied history of theState of Rhode Island. The history of fhe university, which is being preparedby Professor Bronson, will be published before the anniversary, and the newedition of the historical catalogue will be ready for distribution.Two or three years ago the president of the Carnegie fund for the pensioningof teachers criticised the extent to which colleges accepted students who failed topass some of their entrance examinations. The figures as to. Yale's freshmanclass published by Dean Jones indicate that there has been little if any change.Of the class of '15, numbering 348, only 128 were admitted without condition.Only a little more than one in every three students accepted could pass all ofthe entrance examinations. Probably the situation elsewhere is no differentfrom that at Yale, It was general when President Pritchett prepared his report,and apparently his criticisms have borne little fruit.—New York Tribune.The University of the South has received an addition of $150,000 to itsendowment from J. Pierpont Morgan. Fearing that relatives might attemptto contest his will, John Armstrong Chaloner has conveyed his entire property.

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