Jan - Portland Yacht Club

Jan - Portland Yacht Club

Jan - Portland Yacht Club

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ROSTER COMMITTEE2009 PYCMembership RosterNewsPreparationsfor the 2009 PYC Rosterare underway. Members willreceive the Member Update Formswith their <strong>Jan</strong>uary statements. This yearthe form will also be available on theclub’s website. (www.portlandyc.com)Update forms can be returned to the cluboffice; faxed to 503-283-4960; or emaileddirectly to the Roster computer:roster@portlandyc.comDeadline for updates is March 1, 2009.New member photos can be taken at eitherthe Cookout February 20 or SaturdayLunch February 21.If you have a personal photo of you andyour first mate that you want in the bookplease email to the Roster. These photosneed to be jpg file format.If you have a suggestion for a new advertiser,or questions regarding advertisingrenewals please contact GayleTimmerman, Roster Advertising Chair at5 0 3 - 2 9 7 - 4 4 3 7 o rgayletimmerman@hotmail.com.The committee is considering offering theRoster book on a DVD. Please email theroster if you are interested in getting thebook on disk. The committee will moveforward if enough interest is shown.The committee wants to hear from you ifyou have any suggestions or commentsfor improvements and additions to the2009 Roster. We are encouraging membersto email us with comments or leave awritten note in the Roster In-Box in theclub office.Remember all updates are due March 1 st .Nancy Kirk-MacGregorRoster Committee Co-ChairGET WELLBob SchlickAs some of you may be aware, oneof our members Bob Schlick wasinvolved in a serious traffic accidenton October 27, 2008. Bob was ridinghis motorcycle to work and a drunkdriver crossed over the center line. Toavoid hitting the vehicle head-on, Bob laidhis motorcycle over on its’ side. The endresult was that Bob’s left leg was severelyinjured and the leg had to be amputated.Bob spent 4-1/2 weeks in the hospital.While Bob has some insurance moniesavailable to him, the medical bills aremounting and it is uncertain as to whenBob will be able to return to work at hisbusiness, PacWest Hair Design.I spoke with Bob on December 9 th tocheck on how he was doing. He soundedpositive at the time, however he indicatedhe has a long way to go before he is ableto return to work. Bob did ask that Imake mention in this article of the generousdonation made to him by HaydenIsland Canvas. Prior to his accident Bobhad contracted with Hayden Island Canvasto replace the canvas on his boat.Upon learning of Bob’s situation, HaydenIsland Canvas called Bob and informedhim that they would complete the job atno additional cost. What a great gesture!Bob also mentioned that several of ourPYC members are checking on his boatregularly.If you would like to help Bob & Lynn, aspecial account has been set up at theBank of America in Bob’s name. Tomake a donation to help Bob, just stop byany branch of Bank of America or youmay make a donation to Bob at the PYCoffice. Fred Carter will collect those donationsand forward them onto Bob andLynn.Our thoughts and prayers are with youBob.Jerry MillerCommodoreMAINTENANCENOTICEIn accordance with Appendix 1, SectionI notice is hereby provided tothe Membership that a contract in theamount of $10,000 has been executedwith American Plumbing to replace three(3) “back-flow preventers” in the watersystem at our points of interconnectionwith the City of <strong>Portland</strong>.Jerry MillerCommodorePortlightDeadline<strong>Jan</strong>uary 10WELCOME ABOARDBill and Jenny Johnston becamenew PYC members in November.They are looking forward to joiningour boating community in their 4788Bayliner Happiness. They are long time<strong>Portland</strong> folks where Bill was an insuranceagent for State Farm for 53 years. He hasvery recently retired. Bill went throughthe chairs at TYEE <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> where hebecame Commodore,4 <strong>Portland</strong>YC.com <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2009

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