Jan - Portland Yacht Club

Jan - Portland Yacht Club

Jan - Portland Yacht Club

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<strong>Jan</strong>uary 2009Vol. 59 No. 1Fun Times in 092009 Commodore and First LadyJerry and Sue Miller

COMMODORE’S COMMENTSSue and I are lookingforward toserving as yourCommodore and FirstLady for 2009 and wewish you all a happy,healthy and prosperousNew Year.This past year we have celebrated ourCentennial, honored past PYC Members,and learned about some of the history ofour great <strong>Club</strong>. Now it‘s time to look forwardto the next chapter of the life andtimes of PYC. There will be opportunitiesto meet new people, sail/cruise togreat places and just enjoy the camaraderieof belonging to this great <strong>Club</strong>.the PORTLIGHTpublished monthly by thePORTLAND YACHT CLUB1241 NE Marine Drive<strong>Portland</strong>, Oregon 97211P: 503.285.1922 | Fax: 503.283.4960Email: office@portlandyc.comEDITORDale MackOFFICERS AND TRUSTEESCommodore Jerry Miller (power)Vice Commodore Nick Johnson (sail)Secretary/Treasurer Rod Wells (power)Rear Commodore Berkeley Smith (sail)Trustee Year 2 Larry Snyder (power)Trustee Year 2 Gary Eckert (power)Trustee Year 1 Charlie Bishop (sail)Trustee Year 1 Michael Lewis (sail)Trustee 1 Year Term Craig SchambaughAt the November 24 PYC Annual Meeting,the Membership voted and approvedthe recommendations of the NominatingCommittee for the Officers and Trusteesto lead PYC in 2009 as follows: ViceCommodore – Nick Johnson, Secretary/Treasurer – Rod Wells, Rear Commodore– Berkeley Smith, Trustee – CharlieBishop, Trustee – Michael Lewis, andTrustee – Craig Shambaugh. Returning2008 Trustees are Gary Eckert and LarrySnyder. I am looking forward to workingwith all of you to ensure that our membershipremains strong, that we continueto be good stewards of the assets entrustedto us and that PYC remains to bethe premier yacht club in <strong>Portland</strong>. Onbehalf of the membership, I would alsolike to give a special thank you to our outgoingBoard Members: Rear Commodore– Heather Adams, Trustee – Nancy Kirk/McGregor, and Trustee – Bob Bishop.Thank you for your time, efforts and support.The “Larry Barber Award” was presentedto Larry Snyder for his many contributionsto club activities this past yearand the infamous “Boners Award” wasawarded to Dan Dickson for having a“Short Dip Stick?” You might want toask him what this is all about the nexttime you see him! Also, at the AnnualMeeting the Membership approved two(2) changes to our By-Laws. The first, arevision to Appendix I, Section G, dealingwith Contract/Expenses greater than$50,000 and the second, changes to ArticleII, Election of Members Sections 1and 2. These changes will appear in the2009 By-Laws when they are published inMay.Now, onto the fun stuff! The Committeesfor 2009 are all in-place and are busyplanning the various social, cruising andsailing events for the year.The Cruising Committee, chaired by Brianand Donna Moore has nine (9) fun-filledcruises scheduled for the year. Check-outthe Cruise Schedule in this Portlight.The Entertainment Committee, chaired byDon & Sonjia Smethers, and Rod andJudy Wells are well into the planningstages for our gala New Years Eve Party,which will have come and gone by thetime you get this Portlight, and the CommodoresBall scheduled for <strong>Jan</strong>uary 17.Watch for your personal invitation.PYC Cook-outs, Co-Chaired by Gil &Nancy McGregor, Warren and <strong>Jan</strong>eKnight, and David & Terri Entler willcontinue to provide us all with an end-ofthe-weekescape.Paul Teveliet, our 2008 Sailing Captainhas graciously agreed to serve as our 2009Sailing Captain. Paul has a full schedule ofsailing events on the calendar.These are only four (4) of the many Committeesin-place to ensure the continuedsuccess of our <strong>Club</strong>. A full listing of the2009 Committees appears in thisPortlight. To our Membership, both oldand new, I encourage and challenge everyoneto get involved, participate, shareyour many talents and skills and becomean active member of this truly great <strong>Club</strong>.These past couple of years has been verybusy for us at PYC. We have conductedfundraisers, made major improvements toour clubhouse and grounds and celebratedour 100-year Centennial. It’s time for usto relax a little, enjoy our great facilities,the companionship of our fellow membersand have “FUN TIMES IN 09”Jerry MillerCommodorePHOTOGRAPHERSFrank TillmanStan BorysBernie BillsBob KnauerSkip NitchieADVERTISE IN THE PORTLIGHT!For information about commercial advertising in the Portlight,please contact the PYC officeat 503.285.1922 or email: office@portlandyc.com2 <strong>Portland</strong>YC.com <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2009

PYC 2009 DAUGHTER OF NEPTUNEBrittany LouieBrittanyLouie, our 2008 Daughterof Neptune, has graciously agreedto again serve as our Daughter ofNeptune for 2009. Brittany is the granddaughterof PYC Members Byron andDiane Hanke. Brittany is 16 years old andis currently a junior and an Honor RollStudent at Jesuit High School in Beaverton.She is active in her community andas our Daughter of Neptune for 2008Brittany participated in many events thispast year, such as being an elf at the PYCChildren’s Christmas Party, attendingother CRYA <strong>Club</strong>s’ Ladies Dinners, par-ticipating in CRYA Opening and ClosingDay events and fitting children with lifejacketsat” KidFest “.This fall Brittany found a new interest inrowing and joined the Rose City Rowing<strong>Club</strong> and her boat took 1st place in the<strong>Portland</strong> Fall Classic Regatta 2008.Brittany says that she is excited and honoredto represent PYC again as ourDaughter of Neptune and is looking forwardto attending several cruises with herfamily, meeting the many members ofPYC and participating in the many eventsthat Columbia River <strong>Yacht</strong>ing Associationhas planned in 2009.THE REST OF THE STORYHanging of the GreensThe Hanging of the Greens is an annualevent held usually on the first Sunday inDecember. At this event the <strong>Club</strong> Houseis decorated for the Holidays. Attendeesare invited by the Commodore and FirstLady as an appreciation for their respectiveservice and support during the yearand include: the Officers, Trustees, Committeesand anyone else that the Commodoreand the First Lady feel helped orassisted them during their year. The <strong>Club</strong>is decorated and then a complimentarymeal is served. After the meal the Commodoreand First Lady hand out a thankyou gift to all of the Officers, Trusteesand Committees Chairs.Ladies DinnerThere are two Ladies dinners held eachyear at PYC. The first in April, in whichladies from the other CRYA <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>sare also invited. The First Ladies and theDaughters of Neptune from each of theCRYA <strong>Club</strong>s are recognized at this event.The second is for our PYC ladies andtheir guests held in December of eachyear. This year’s theme for the event was"Winter Festival Ladies Holiday Dinner".Each lady was given three strands ofDsbc!Gffe!February 14 at 5:30 PMMake Reservations EarlySeating limited to first 390beads by their servers. Selected malemembers serve and in most cases actuallycook the meal. They are selected by theCommodore and First Lady and usuallyinclude the Officers, Trustees, CommitteeChairs and anyone else that the Commodoreand First Lady chose to ask. Both ofthe Ladies Dinners are organized by theFirst Lady and the Entertainment Committee,although last Thursdays event waschaired by one of our Past First LadiesArvada Parirsh. The former PYC FirstLadies are recognized, the outgoingDaughter of Neptune is recognized andgiven a small gift and the incomingDaughter of Neptune is introduced andcrowned.Cost will be in the February Portlight when known.Children will be 1/2 price — Dress very CasualCrab, Oyster shooters, Salad, French Bread, Beer / Pop, DessertLimit 8 folks per party24 hour phone reservation line 503-735-0632Online Reservations at portlandyc.com<strong>Jan</strong>uary 2009 <strong>Portland</strong>YC.com 3

ROSTER COMMITTEE2009 PYCMembership RosterNewsPreparationsfor the 2009 PYC Rosterare underway. Members willreceive the Member Update Formswith their <strong>Jan</strong>uary statements. This yearthe form will also be available on theclub’s website. (www.portlandyc.com)Update forms can be returned to the cluboffice; faxed to 503-283-4960; or emaileddirectly to the Roster computer:roster@portlandyc.comDeadline for updates is March 1, 2009.New member photos can be taken at eitherthe Cookout February 20 or SaturdayLunch February 21.If you have a personal photo of you andyour first mate that you want in the bookplease email to the Roster. These photosneed to be jpg file format.If you have a suggestion for a new advertiser,or questions regarding advertisingrenewals please contact GayleTimmerman, Roster Advertising Chair at5 0 3 - 2 9 7 - 4 4 3 7 o rgayletimmerman@hotmail.com.The committee is considering offering theRoster book on a DVD. Please email theroster if you are interested in getting thebook on disk. The committee will moveforward if enough interest is shown.The committee wants to hear from you ifyou have any suggestions or commentsfor improvements and additions to the2009 Roster. We are encouraging membersto email us with comments or leave awritten note in the Roster In-Box in theclub office.Remember all updates are due March 1 st .Nancy Kirk-MacGregorRoster Committee Co-ChairGET WELLBob SchlickAs some of you may be aware, oneof our members Bob Schlick wasinvolved in a serious traffic accidenton October 27, 2008. Bob was ridinghis motorcycle to work and a drunkdriver crossed over the center line. Toavoid hitting the vehicle head-on, Bob laidhis motorcycle over on its’ side. The endresult was that Bob’s left leg was severelyinjured and the leg had to be amputated.Bob spent 4-1/2 weeks in the hospital.While Bob has some insurance moniesavailable to him, the medical bills aremounting and it is uncertain as to whenBob will be able to return to work at hisbusiness, PacWest Hair Design.I spoke with Bob on December 9 th tocheck on how he was doing. He soundedpositive at the time, however he indicatedhe has a long way to go before he is ableto return to work. Bob did ask that Imake mention in this article of the generousdonation made to him by HaydenIsland Canvas. Prior to his accident Bobhad contracted with Hayden Island Canvasto replace the canvas on his boat.Upon learning of Bob’s situation, HaydenIsland Canvas called Bob and informedhim that they would complete the job atno additional cost. What a great gesture!Bob also mentioned that several of ourPYC members are checking on his boatregularly.If you would like to help Bob & Lynn, aspecial account has been set up at theBank of America in Bob’s name. Tomake a donation to help Bob, just stop byany branch of Bank of America or youmay make a donation to Bob at the PYCoffice. Fred Carter will collect those donationsand forward them onto Bob andLynn.Our thoughts and prayers are with youBob.Jerry MillerCommodoreMAINTENANCENOTICEIn accordance with Appendix 1, SectionI notice is hereby provided tothe Membership that a contract in theamount of $10,000 has been executedwith American Plumbing to replace three(3) “back-flow preventers” in the watersystem at our points of interconnectionwith the City of <strong>Portland</strong>.Jerry MillerCommodorePortlightDeadline<strong>Jan</strong>uary 10WELCOME ABOARDBill and Jenny Johnston becamenew PYC members in November.They are looking forward to joiningour boating community in their 4788Bayliner Happiness. They are long time<strong>Portland</strong> folks where Bill was an insuranceagent for State Farm for 53 years. He hasvery recently retired. Bill went throughthe chairs at TYEE <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> where hebecame Commodore,4 <strong>Portland</strong>YC.com <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2009

ATTENTION, PYC CRUISERS!Now that the holidays are behind us we can all look forward to spring and thebeginning of the 2009 boating season.We are excited about the great people on our cruising committee this year andwould like to thank all of them for their willingness to serve PYC. They are alreadyworking hard to plan some fun and exciting cruises for your enjoyment! If anyonewould like to volunteer to help, our committee would be grateful! There still are someopenings we need to fill! This is a great way for new members to get acquainted. Ifyou have questions about what is involved or the level of involvement, PLEASE let usknow.Since fuel costs have come down, we are hoping for well attended events! Please markyour 2009 calendars now!We’ll look forward to seeing everyone at the St. Patrick’s Day Cruise to the Outstationin March!See you on the river,Brian and Donna Moore, M/V Talisman, 2009 Cruising Chairs2009 CRUISING SCHEDULEDate Destination / Theme Chair(s)March 13-15 St. Patrick’s Day – Outstation Bishop, Stuckey, MooreSock BurningDoug FosterApril 24-26 Stag Cruise – Outstation Jim ButlerMay 22-25 Memorial Day – Outstation >June 26-28 Martin Slough Steve & Sandra GordonJuly 17-19 Bald Eagle Days – Cathlamet Harry & Shirley BraunteinParade FloatBarbara & Don PetersonAugust 6-16 Downriver CruiseSt. Helens (6 th -7 th )Berkeley & Carole SmithMartin Slough >Rainier >CathlametCliff & Becky StephensGolf/DinnerRon & Linda NurssIllwaco >AstoriaFred & Kay KoudeleSeptember 4-7 Labor Day – Outstation Charlie & Patti BishopSeptember 25-27 Beacon Rock Bob MartinOctober 30-Nov. 1 Halloween – Outstation Jim & Linda DeanNovember 27-29 Thanksgiving Leftover Cruise – Outstation (No host needed)MANAGER’S REPORTHappy New Year!It’s already 2009.As we start 2009,It is time to thank all of thevolunteers that worked sohard during the last year.Volunteers never seem toget the proper thank you for all of theirhard work. While everyone may notagree, it is my belief that everyone tries todo his or her best when asked to serve.The PYC staff would like to thank all thatdonated to the staff Christmas fund. Wehanded out the bonus checks at our annualholiday staff luncheon. I am surethat it made the season better for all ofthem.Our moorage upgrade committee hasbeen working hard to complete our firstconcrete boathouse row. If you haven’tseen how the new docks will look, stop byL-row and check it out. What an improvement!Have a great 2009!Fred CarterManagerCookout Dates<strong>Jan</strong>uary 9&<strong>Jan</strong>uary 23Come join fellow members forcasual cookoutsSign-up early!Reservations503-735-0632<strong>Jan</strong>uary 2009 <strong>Portland</strong>YC.com 5

LADIES DINNER6 <strong>Portland</strong>YC.com <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2009

HANGING OF THE GREENS<strong>Jan</strong>uary 2009 <strong>Portland</strong>YC.com 7

2009 COMMITTEESBoatmenBill StevensDan DicksonPeter HirstJim HansenTed ReichByron BacklarBob HansenBob EatonDick DomineyRay HansenMeasurerMike StainsbyFleet SurgeonWally NortonPIYA DelegateJerry MatthewsCRYA DelegatesKen KudrnaDave StuckeyLarry Justice, Standing CommitteeJim Butler, Standing CommitteePortlightDale & Laura MackCo-Chairs: Dave & Franci StuckeyRosterNancy Kirk-MacGregor – Co-ChairGayle Timmerman – Co-ChairLynda HirstTerri EntlerCarole SmithJoanie JohnsonConnie GazowSue MillerDonna MooreKathy StansellCalendarNancy Kirk-MacGregor – ChairWeb MasterTeresa KasnerEducationLarry Snyder, Co-ChairLee Peterson, Co-ChairTom Winslow, Co-chairInsuranceKen KraigSecurityGary EckertFire and SafetyMike Stansell, ChairDave EntlerCharlie BishopHistorianWalter Witchard, ChairPhotographersFrank TillmanStan BorysBob Knauer (Coordinator)Bernie BillsSkip NitchieShip’s StoreBob & Carolyn BishopCo-ChairsPenny SpazianiJoanie JohnsonMarilyn ErdahlReciprocityAl MiratiDaughter of NeptuneBrittany LouieGolf (men and women’s)Larry SnyderBridgeRos BorysFleet CaptainHeather AdamsJudge AdvocateBob MartinParliamentarianTed ReichFinance CommitteeByron Hanke, ChairNick Johnson, Vice CommodoreRod Wells, Sec/Treas.,Charlie BishopFred Carter, <strong>Club</strong> MangerLong Range PlanningCharlie Bishop, Chair SNick Johnson Vice Commodore, SVic Alfonso (3 of 3) PDick Dyer (3 of 3) PJack Fawcett (3 of 3) STom Brusco (3 of 3) SMike Stansell (2 of 3) PGeorge Brice (2 of 3) PMike Lewis (2 of 3) SFred Carter, <strong>Club</strong> ManagerHouse and GroundsPhil Gentemann, ChairJack MitchemJon NaviauxJulie HinkleySue MillerJoanie JohnsonFred Carter, <strong>Club</strong> ManagerMoorage UpgradeEric Gazow, Project Manager & Co-ChairTom Springfield, Co-ChairFrank WarrensClosed MoorageRod WellsOpen MoorageNick JohnsonCombined MoorageNick JohnsonRod WellsOutstationGary Erdahl, ChairGil MacGregorPhil GentemannMike StansellEntertainmentDon & Sonjia Smethers, Co-ChairsRod & Judy Wells, Co-ChairsAl & Ruth ParrByron & Diane HankeBarbara Peterson (Mentor)Julie Hinkley (Mentor)CruisingBrian & Donna Moore, Co-ChairsFred & Kay KoudeleDock MasterMike StansellCookoutsGil &Nancy Kirk- MacGregor, Co-ChairsWarren & <strong>Jan</strong>e Knight, Co-ChairsDave & Terri Entler, Co-ChairsMembershipBob Bishop, ChairNick Johnson, Vice CommodoreSkip NitchieNew Member GreetersExecutive CommitteeJerry MillerNick JohnsonRod WellsSailing CaptainPaul TevelietPublic RelationsBill Chevalier8 <strong>Portland</strong>YC.com <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2009

HISTORIAN’S CORNERThe Brig Owyhee’sAnchor Goes HomeOn December 8, 2008 <strong>Portland</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>,Commodore Berkeley and First LadyCarole Smith lead representatives from theHistory Committee and Board of Trustees in presentingon permanent loan the Oywhee’s anchor tothe Museum of the Oregon Territory, Oregon City,OR. The anchor was lost less then a mile from themuseum.The story began in 1829 when Captain JohnDominis sailed the Brig Owyhee to the Meldrum Barwhere the Clackamas River joins the Willamette. Heanchored there and attempted to get the ClackamasIndians to fish for him. Their negotiations wentsour and the Indians cut the anchor. In 1933, theCorps of Engineers dredged the river and found theanchor. The dredge Captain took it home and put itinto his chicken coop. Stuart Mockford, a prominentOregon City architect researched and becameintrigued with the Owyhee story. In 1963, Mockfordretrieved the anchor from the chicken coop andkept it in his office until 1998 when he donated it toPYC.PYC has since preserved this anchor. His nephewJim Mockford did considerable research on CaptainDominis and the Owyhee. Dominis had a great dealto do with the trade to Hawaii and the Orient. Jim’sfather was able to attend the presentation.The story has some interesting aspects such as Mr.Jones, a mate on the Owyhee had malaria and in1830, ninety (90) percent of the Indians in the Willamette/Columbiadied from the “cold sweat” ormalaria. The Indians called this the curse of the Owyhee.When the Owyhee returned to Boston, MA, theUS Customs charged them a tariff as they consideredOregon a “foreign country”. Oregon was adisputed territory between the English(McLoughlin) and the Americans (Astoria). A great“what if” of history would be, if the English knewthat the United States considered Oregon to be“foreign country” then they might have won theirclaim to Oregon and we would now be CanadiansEH.Walter A. WitschardStuwart MockfordThe sign reads:“This anchor was lost in1829 in the WillametteRiver at the mouth ofthe Clackamas by theAmerican trading BrigOwyhee out of Boston,Capt. John Dominis,Master, when Indianscut the hawser settingthe vessel adrift. It wasrecovered in 1933 deepin the gravel of MeldrumBar by a U.S.Army Corps of Engineersdredge deepeningthe channel.”10 <strong>Portland</strong>YC.com <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2009

COMING EVENTSMON TUE WED THURS FRI SAT SUN29 30 311 JANUARY234New Year’s Eve PartyNo GolfNew Year’s DayHappy Hour<strong>Portland</strong> Boat ShowLunch<strong>Portland</strong> Boat Show567891011<strong>Portland</strong> Boat Show<strong>Portland</strong> Boat Show<strong>Portland</strong> Boat ShowGolf<strong>Portland</strong> Boat ShowHappy Hour<strong>Portland</strong> Boat ShowCookoutPortlight Deadline<strong>Portland</strong> Boat ShowLunch<strong>Portland</strong> Boat Show12 13 1415161718Bridge <strong>Club</strong>Happy HourCommodore’s BallGolfNo Lunch19Martin Luther KingJr. Day20 21Board MeetingGolf22 23Happy HourSeattle Boat ShowCookout24Seattle Boat ShowLunch25Seattle Boat Show2627282930311 FEBRUARYSeattle Boat ShowSeattle Boat ShowSeattle Boat ShowGolfSeattle Boat ShowHappy HourSeattle Boat ShowEducation SessionSeattle Boat ShowLunchSeattle Boat Show2 3 45 678GolfCookoutHappy HourLunch9 101112 131415Portlight DeadlineGolfHappy HourCrab FeedNo Lunch16Presidents Day17 18Board MeetingGolf19Bridge <strong>Club</strong>20CookoutHappy Hour21Education SessionLunch2223 24 2526 27281 MARCHGolfHappy HourLunchPrivate PartySales - Installation - ServicePlease consider us for your next boat equipment or electronics projectVisit our website for details on services we provide www.rodgersmarine.com3445 N.E. Marine Drive <strong>Portland</strong>, OR 97211Phone 503-287-1101 FAX 503-288-3745 sales@rodgersmarine.com<strong>Jan</strong>uary 2009 <strong>Portland</strong>YC.com 11

NOVEMBER 2008 LEFTOVER CRUISE<strong>Portland</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>1241 NE Marine Drive<strong>Portland</strong>, OR 9721112 <strong>Portland</strong>YC.com <strong>Jan</strong>uary 2009

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