Access to Parapharyngeal Space - Vula - University of Cape Town

Access to Parapharyngeal Space - Vula - University of Cape Town

Access to Parapharyngeal Space - Vula - University of Cape Town


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the superior constric<strong>to</strong>r muscle <strong>of</strong> thepharynx. It contains the internal carotidartery and the internal jugular vein, as wellas the lower cranial nerves IX -XII, and thesympathetic trunk. Unlike prestyloidmasses, poststyloid tumours typicallydisplace the PPS fat anterolaterally(Figures 8, 9).sympathetic trunk, and schwannomas(Figures 9, 10).External carotidInternal carotidFigure 10: Carotid body tumour in poststyloidPPS, splaying the internal andexternal carotid arteriesFigure 8: Direction <strong>of</strong> displacement <strong>of</strong> fatas seen on CT or MRI with poststyloidmass (light blue)Figure 9: CT scan <strong>of</strong> poststyloid vagalschwannoma demonstrating direction <strong>of</strong>displacement <strong>of</strong> fat and medialdisplacement <strong>of</strong> carotid vesselsThe most commonly encountered massesinclude carotid body tumours, or otherparagangliomas eg <strong>of</strong> the vagus nerve andKey Diagnostic InformationOne should determine the following beforeembarking on surgery:Benign / malignant: This is generallydetermined by FNAC. The needlebiopsy may be done transcervically ortransorally, and one should not beconcerned about puncturing theinternal carotid artery with a smallneedleVascularity: A paraganglioma may besuspected on CT or MRI, andconfirmed angiographically. Vasculartumours may require preoperativeembolisation, and proximal vascularcontrol, or one may elect <strong>to</strong> treat it withradiation therapyPrestyloid / poststyloid: This is determinedclinically and radiologicallywith CT / MRI as indicated previously.This information permits narrowingdown <strong>of</strong> the differential diagnosis,planning the best surgical approach,and preoperative counselling <strong>of</strong>possible sequelae3

Is a prestyloid mass originating fromthe parotid gland? This informationmight determine the surgical approache.g. transcervical +/- <strong>to</strong>talparotidec<strong>to</strong>my. It may be difficult <strong>to</strong>determine even radiologically whethera prestyloid pleomorphic adenomasimply represents ec<strong>to</strong>pic salivarytissue, or is extending from the deeplobe <strong>of</strong> the parotid glandInternal & external carotid arteries:Particularly with poststyloid masses,knowledge <strong>of</strong> the position <strong>of</strong> thearteries is important in order <strong>to</strong> directthe surgerySurgical approachesFigure 11 presents a schematic summary<strong>of</strong> the surgical approaches <strong>to</strong> the PPS.rupture (especially with pleomorphicadenomas that may seed). The tumours aresituated anywhere between the hyoid boneand generally do not extend above thelevel <strong>of</strong> the hard palate <strong>of</strong> pterygoid plates,and are situated on the medial aspect <strong>of</strong> themedial pterygoid muscle. They aretherefore readily accessible via a transcervicalsubmandibular approach. Thealternative is a transoral approach +mandibulo<strong>to</strong>my.Transcervical submandibular approach <strong>to</strong>prestyloid tumoursA horizontal skin crease incision is madeat the level <strong>of</strong> the hyoid bone. Thesubmandibular salivary gland (SSG) anddigastric muscle are identified. The facialvein is ligated and divided. The capsule <strong>of</strong>the gland is incised. The SSG is mobilisedin a subcapsular plane so as <strong>to</strong> protect themarginal mandibular nerve. The facialartery is identified posteroinferior <strong>to</strong> thegland where it emerges from behind theposterior belly <strong>of</strong> the digastric muscle(Figure 12).Figure 11: Approaches <strong>to</strong> PPS: transoral+ mandibulo<strong>to</strong>my (green); transcervicalsubmandibular (yellow), transparotid(blue), and transcervical + mandibulo<strong>to</strong>my(red)Prestyloid surgical approachesMasses in the prestyloid space are mostlybenign, well defined, surrounded by fat,and unlike tumours <strong>of</strong> the poststyloidspace, are generally not tethered <strong>to</strong>structures such as major nerves andvessels. They can therefore generally beremoved by careful blunt dissection alongthe tumour capsule, avoiding tumourSubmandibularglandFacial arteryDigastricFigure 12: Exposure <strong>of</strong> the left submandibulargland, digastric muscle andfacial arteryThe facial artery is then ligated anddivided above the posterior belly <strong>of</strong>digastric. The submandibular gland ismobilised with gentle finger dissection in aposterior-<strong>to</strong>-anterior direction leaving the4

estricted by the vertical ramus <strong>of</strong> themandible, the parotid gland, the facialnerve and the styloid process with itsmuscular and ligamen<strong>to</strong>us attachments.Masses in the poststyloid space are mostlybenign but unlike tumours <strong>of</strong> the prestyloidspace, are generally tethered <strong>to</strong>/arise frommajor nerves and vessels. Resectionrequires good exposure <strong>of</strong> the mass and themajor vessels and nerves via transcervicaland/or transparotid approach. Rarely amandibulo<strong>to</strong>my <strong>of</strong> the vertical ramus <strong>of</strong> themandible is required for additionalexposure. Patients should be cautionedabout the sequelae <strong>of</strong> vascular and lowercranial nerve injury, as well sympathetictrunk injury causing Horner’s and “1 stBite” syndromes. Preoperativeembolisation <strong>of</strong> paragangliomas reducesintraoperative bleeding.Transcervical approach <strong>to</strong> the poststyloidPPS (Figures 11, 17)The transcervical approach is suitable fortumours extending up <strong>to</strong> about the level <strong>of</strong>the styloid process, such as smaller carotidbody and glomus vagale tumours, as wellas lower lying schwannomas. The upperneck is exposed via a transverse skincrease incision, the X, XI, and XII nervesare identified, as are the carotid bifurcationand the internal jugular vein. The mass isthen removed using sharp dissection. Theposterior belly <strong>of</strong> digastric is eitherretracted superiorly, or divided <strong>to</strong> provideaccess deep <strong>to</strong> the parotid gland (Figure17).DigastricFigure 17: Transcervical resection <strong>of</strong>glomus vagaleTransparotid approach <strong>to</strong> the poststyloidPPS (Figures 11, 18, 19, 20, 21)The transparotid approach is required formasses situated closer <strong>to</strong> the skull base.The superficial lobe <strong>of</strong> the parotid gland iselevated <strong>of</strong>f the facial nerve, the nerve isfreed from the deep lobe, and the deepparotid lobe is resected. This exposes thestyloid process. Immediately medial <strong>to</strong> thestyloid are the contents <strong>of</strong> the poststyloidPPS. <strong>Access</strong> can be further improved byexcising the styloid process with a bonenibbler, and retracting the mandibleanteriorly (taking care <strong>to</strong> avoid excessivetension <strong>of</strong> the facial nerve), and inferiorlyby dividing the posterior belly <strong>of</strong> thedigastric.External carotidInternal carotidGlomus vagale<strong>Access</strong>ory nerveInternal jugularFigure 18: Operative field followingresection <strong>of</strong> carotid body tumour shown inFigure 106

Author & Edi<strong>to</strong>rSchwannomaInternal carotidJohan Fagan MBChB, FCORL, MMedPr<strong>of</strong>essor and ChairmanDivision <strong>of</strong> O<strong>to</strong>laryngology<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong><strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Town</strong>South Africajohannes.fagan@uct.ac.zaFigure 19: Schwannoma <strong>of</strong> poststyloidPPS located medial <strong>to</strong> internal carotidarteryThe Open <strong>Access</strong> Atlas <strong>of</strong> O<strong>to</strong>laryngology, Head &Neck Operative Surgery by Johan Fagan (Edi<strong>to</strong>r)johannes.fagan@uct.ac.za is licensed under a CreativeCommons Attribution - Non-Commercial 3.0 UnportedLicenseFigure 20: Transparotid access <strong>to</strong>poststyloid PPS in Figure 15Figure 21: Additional access <strong>to</strong> poststyloidPPS in Figures 15&16 by transection <strong>of</strong>digastric muscle7

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