Enmore Park Plan of Management - Land

Enmore Park Plan of Management - Land Enmore Park Plan of Management - Land

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Conservation Management StrategyEnmore ParkCriterion (e): potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding of NSW'sor the local area’s cultural or natural history;Criterion (f): possession of uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of the cultural or naturalhistory of NSW or the local area;Criterion (g): importance in demonstrating the principal characteristics of a class of NSW’s orthe local area’s cultural or natural places or environments.To be assessed as having heritage significance, an item or place must:o meet at least one or more of the nature of significance criteria [criteria a, b, c, and d]; ando retain the integrity of its key attributes.An item or place may also be ranked according to their heritage significance as having:o Local Significanceo State Significance3.3.2 Assessment according to each SHI criterionCriterion (a): importance in the course, or pattern, of NSW's or the local area’s cultural or naturalhistory√IncludeShows evidence of a significant humanactivityIs associated with a significant activity orhistorical phaseMaintains or shows the continuity of ahistorical process or activityExcludeHas incidental or unsubstantiated connectionswith historically important activities orprocessesProvides evidence of activities or processesthat are of dubious historical importanceHas been so altered that it can no longerprovide evidence of a particular association.Enmore Park has historical significance as one of the early public parks established in theMunicipality of Marrickville in the late 1800s. That role has continued, and its size and overallconfiguration has changed little since its original formation.Criterion (b): strong or special association with the life or works of a person, or group of persons, ofimportance in the cultural or natural history of NSW or the local area; [associationalvalue]IncludeShows evidence of a significant humanoccupationIs associated with a significant event, personor group of persons√ExcludeHas incidental or unsubstantiated connectionswith historical important people or eventsProvides evidence of people or events that areof dubious historical importanceHas been so altered that it can no longerprovide evidence of a particular associationEnmore Park is associated, to a limited degree, with Samuel Cook, owner of nearby propertyFrankfort Villa and General Manager of the Sydney Morning Herald (1888 to 1907). He playeda leading role in petitioning the State Government from 1883 to establish public parks in the area.Mayne-Wilson & Associates16Conservation Landscape Architects

Conservation Management StrategyEnmore ParkCriterion (c): importance in demonstrating aesthetic characteristics and/or a high degree of creative ortechnical achievement in NSW or the local area; [aesthetic value]IncludeShows or is associated with creative ortechnical innovation or achievementIs the inspiration for a creative or technicalinnovation or achievementIs aesthetically distinctive√ExcludeIs not a major work by an important designeror artistHas lost its design or technical integrityIts positive visual or sensory appeal orlandmark and scenic qualities have been morethan temporarily degraded√ Has landmark qualities Has only a loose association with a creative ortechnical achievementExemplifies a particular taste, style ortechnologyEnmore Park has a low to moderate degree of aesthetic significance, being a welcome, generousgreen open space surrounded by dense built form of a working class suburb.Criterion (d): strong or special association with a particular community or cultural group in NSW or thelocal area for social, cultural or spiritual reasons; [social value]IncludeExclude√ Is important for its association with anidentifiable groupIs only important to the community foramenity reasons√ Is important to a community’s sense of place Is retained only in preference to a proposed]alternativeEnmore Park has a high degree of local social significance, having been formed following abroad public movement in the municipality for the creation of public parks. The park has alwaysbeen well used for passive and informal active recreation and to support community events. Itscondition and facilities have been of continuing interest and concern to the local communitythroughout its history.Criterion (e): potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding of NSW's or thelocal area’s cultural or natural history; [scientific value]IncludeHas the potential to yield new or furthersubstantial scientific and/or archaeologicalinformationIs an important benchmark or reference site ortypeProvides evidence of past human cultures thatis unavailable elsewhere.ExcludeThe knowledge gained would be irrelevant toresearch or science, human history or culture√ Has little archaeological information orresearch potentialOnly contains information that is readilyavailable from another resource orarchaeological siteThe Park does not satisfy this criterion.Mayne-Wilson & Associates17Conservation Landscape Architects

Conservation <strong>Management</strong> Strategy<strong>Enmore</strong> <strong>Park</strong>Criterion (e): potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding <strong>of</strong> NSW'sor the local area’s cultural or natural history;Criterion (f): possession <strong>of</strong> uncommon, rare or endangered aspects <strong>of</strong> the cultural or naturalhistory <strong>of</strong> NSW or the local area;Criterion (g): importance in demonstrating the principal characteristics <strong>of</strong> a class <strong>of</strong> NSW’s orthe local area’s cultural or natural places or environments.To be assessed as having heritage significance, an item or place must:o meet at least one or more <strong>of</strong> the nature <strong>of</strong> significance criteria [criteria a, b, c, and d]; ando retain the integrity <strong>of</strong> its key attributes.An item or place may also be ranked according to their heritage significance as having:o Local Significanceo State Significance3.3.2 Assessment according to each SHI criterionCriterion (a): importance in the course, or pattern, <strong>of</strong> NSW's or the local area’s cultural or naturalhistory√IncludeShows evidence <strong>of</strong> a significant humanactivityIs associated with a significant activity orhistorical phaseMaintains or shows the continuity <strong>of</strong> ahistorical process or activityExcludeHas incidental or unsubstantiated connectionswith historically important activities orprocessesProvides evidence <strong>of</strong> activities or processesthat are <strong>of</strong> dubious historical importanceHas been so altered that it can no longerprovide evidence <strong>of</strong> a particular association.<strong>Enmore</strong> <strong>Park</strong> has historical significance as one <strong>of</strong> the early public parks established in theMunicipality <strong>of</strong> Marrickville in the late 1800s. That role has continued, and its size and overallconfiguration has changed little since its original formation.Criterion (b): strong or special association with the life or works <strong>of</strong> a person, or group <strong>of</strong> persons, <strong>of</strong>importance in the cultural or natural history <strong>of</strong> NSW or the local area; [associationalvalue]IncludeShows evidence <strong>of</strong> a significant humanoccupationIs associated with a significant event, personor group <strong>of</strong> persons√ExcludeHas incidental or unsubstantiated connectionswith historical important people or eventsProvides evidence <strong>of</strong> people or events that are<strong>of</strong> dubious historical importanceHas been so altered that it can no longerprovide evidence <strong>of</strong> a particular association<strong>Enmore</strong> <strong>Park</strong> is associated, to a limited degree, with Samuel Cook, owner <strong>of</strong> nearby propertyFrankfort Villa and General Manager <strong>of</strong> the Sydney Morning Herald (1888 to 1907). He playeda leading role in petitioning the State Government from 1883 to establish public parks in the area.Mayne-Wilson & Associates16Conservation <strong>Land</strong>scape Architects

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