spi-voluntary-sector-fund PDF 171 KB - Brent Council

spi-voluntary-sector-fund PDF 171 KB - Brent Council spi-voluntary-sector-fund PDF 171 KB - Brent Council

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achieved. Organisations which have or are benefiting from three year funding todeliver a project already were able to bid again but had to propose an entirely newproject as an exit strategy had formed one of the funding criteria for all previous threeyear grant agreements.4.7 Of the 66 organisations which applied, 23 were new to council grant funding orreturning after a number of years. For a number of new organisations which appliedin this round there was further development required to meet the funding criteria anda number were not in a position to receive project funding of this sort.4.8 Funding has been recommended for 14 projects. These projects meet the fundingcriteria, offer value for money and align with Council’s priorities and associatedstatutory service provision in the borough.Recommended Projects4.9 Details of the recommended projects, including funding levels are as follows:Project Organisation Total 1 st Year 2 nd Year 3 rd Year1. Safe to Achieve Advance Advocacy £75,000 £25,000 £25,000 £25,0002. DementiaInformation andAwareness RaisingService3. Training forVolunteer AdvisersAlzheimersSocietyBrent CitizensAdvice Bureau£74,908 £24,949 £24,959 £25,000£71,311 £23,596 £23,784 £23,9314. Get Active Brent Mencap £73,651 £24,042 £24,716 £24,8935. CommunityEngagement &Mental HealthPromotionBrent Mind(Association forMental Health)6. Healthier Homes Brent PrivateTenants RightsGroup7. Artspiration DramaWorkhouse8. Brent CommunityCo-operative(BRECO)9. Hestia BrentDomestic AbuseServicesChildren’s Artsand DramaTherapy10. Access toEmployment11. The Prince’sTrust ‘Get intoEnergySolutionsHestia HousingSupport£74,456 £25,000 £24,500 £24,956£75,000 £25,000 £25,000 £25,000£66,525 £22,175 £22,175 £22,175£75,000 £25,000 £25,000 £25,000£34,920 £11,640 £11,640 £11,640I Serve £64,060 £22,020 £21020 £21,020The Prince’sTrust£64,870 £15,500 £24,620 £24,7504 v2

Programme’12. Early InterventionSupport forFamilies13. Steel Pan in theCommunityRelate LondonNorth WestSt Michael’sYouthProgramme2013-1614. The Green Works ToucanEmployment£63,148 £20,430 £21,043 £21,675£75,000 £25,000 £25,000 £25,000£63,514 £22,572 £20,501 £20,441TOTAL £951,363 £311,924 £318,958 £320,4814.10 If members agree to the funding recommendations in this report, each fundedorganisation will be issued with a written agreement clearly stating the activities to beprovided and the outputs to be achieved and any special conditions will be includedin this.4.11 Officers in the Corporate Policy Team will monitor each organisation’s performanceagainst the output and outcomes set out in their funding agreement. As part of thisprocess the team will have regular meetings with organisations and will carry outplanned and unannounced inspection of projects. Officers will work closely withorganisations to ensure links with the statutory organisations providing serviceswithin the proposed themes are established and that the projects continue to supportthe council’s priorities. Success will be monitored through the council’s performancemanagement scorecards.4.12 The competition for funding was high and so the need for high quality responses inline with the stated criteria was very important for success. The standard of bids washigher in this round than last, however the assessment of bids highlighted a numberof aspects which need to be developed further by organisations in order to enhancetheir chances of success in obtaining funding. These aspects include better financialresilience as organisations, better alignment with statutory provision, a strongerevidencing of need and partnerships which enhance projects and stronger linkagesbetween activities and proposed measures of success.4.13 Having looked at all of the bids which met the criteria, there is a small sum of theavailable budget left each year. Members are asked to agree to use this to offerrounds of smaller one year grants up to a maximum of £10k in line with the grantcriteria at appendix 3b and outlined at appendix 5 and to delegate authority to theDirector of Strategy, Partnerships and Improvement, to make the decisions on theaward of such one year grants, given the very small budget. This would respond tothe feedback about opportunities for smaller groups to access funding.4.14 The council is working with CVS Brent already to arrange for more support inpreparation for the next round of themed grant funding from the council based onthese general themes and look at the range of other ways in which local groups canhave more success in securing other funding for local projects in Brent.5 v2

achieved. Organisations which have or are benefiting from three year <strong>fund</strong>ing todeliver a project already were able to bid again but had to propose an entirely newproject as an exit strategy had formed one of the <strong>fund</strong>ing criteria for all previous threeyear grant agreements.4.7 Of the 66 organisations which applied, 23 were new to council grant <strong>fund</strong>ing orreturning after a number of years. For a number of new organisations which appliedin this round there was further development required to meet the <strong>fund</strong>ing criteria anda number were not in a position to receive project <strong>fund</strong>ing of this sort.4.8 Funding has been recommended for 14 projects. These projects meet the <strong>fund</strong>ingcriteria, offer value for money and align with <strong>Council</strong>’s priorities and associatedstatutory service provision in the borough.Recommended Projects4.9 Details of the recommended projects, including <strong>fund</strong>ing levels are as follows:Project Organisation Total 1 st Year 2 nd Year 3 rd Year1. Safe to Achieve Advance Advocacy £75,000 £25,000 £25,000 £25,0002. DementiaInformation andAwareness RaisingService3. Training forVolunteer AdvisersAlzheimersSociety<strong>Brent</strong> CitizensAdvice Bureau£74,908 £24,949 £24,959 £25,000£71,311 £23,596 £23,784 £23,9314. Get Active <strong>Brent</strong> Mencap £73,651 £24,042 £24,716 £24,8935. CommunityEngagement &Mental HealthPromotion<strong>Brent</strong> Mind(Association forMental Health)6. Healthier Homes <strong>Brent</strong> PrivateTenants RightsGroup7. Art<strong>spi</strong>ration DramaWorkhouse8. <strong>Brent</strong> CommunityCo-operative(BRECO)9. Hestia <strong>Brent</strong>Domestic AbuseServicesChildren’s Artsand DramaTherapy10. Access toEmployment11. The Prince’sTrust ‘Get intoEnergySolutionsHestia HousingSupport£74,456 £25,000 £24,500 £24,956£75,000 £25,000 £25,000 £25,000£66,525 £22,175 £22,175 £22,175£75,000 £25,000 £25,000 £25,000£34,920 £11,640 £11,640 £11,640I Serve £64,060 £22,020 £21020 £21,020The Prince’sTrust£64,870 £15,500 £24,620 £24,7504 v2

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