1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...

1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...

1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...


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Highlights from EQAO assessment – Spring 2011Principal’s Report<strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>Thursday, October 13, 2011Library• Gr. 3 results (student currently in gr. 4) in Reading, Writing and Mathematics exceeded both the board andthe province for students achieving levels 3 and 4.Reading: <strong>School</strong> 76, Board 67, Province 65 (area of weaker performance –Reading Fluency, but not significant)Writing: <strong>School</strong> 84, Board 73, Province 73Math: <strong>School</strong> 79, Board 68, Province 69 (evidence of knowledge and understanding and thinking arestrong; evidence of application: selecting the right tool or extracting the right information and applying it toeffectively solve a problem is a weaker area of performance)• Grade 6 results ( students currently in gr. 7) in Reading, Writing and Mathematicsexceeded both the board and the province for students achieving at levels 3 and 4.Reading: <strong>School</strong> 96, Board 78, Province 74Writing: <strong>School</strong> 87, Board 74, Province 73Math: <strong>School</strong> 84, Board 63, Province 58 (area of weaker performance is extracting the appropriateinformation and applying it to effectively solve a problem)• Point of interest: The 2007-2008 gr. 3 results are for the same cohort as the grade 6 results for 2010-2011.It is a different test and a different grade level, but it does indicate growth from grade 3 to grade 6 (thesmall dip in gr. 6 math is statistically insignificant). The processes, teaching strategies and teachingsupports are working well and are supporting improvement in student learning and achievement.Highlights of the <strong>School</strong> Improvement Plan (First cycle)• Overall focus is Mathematics – Gr. 1-3 Number Sense and Numeration(composing anddecomposing numbers - understanding of this concepts helps in the acquisition and understanding of basicmath facts).Gr. 4-6 NS and N (solving problems using multiplication of whole numbers – application of this concept toeffectively solve a problem). We are not asking them to extract the info or choose the most appropriatetool; this is being given to them.Gr. 7-8 NS and N ( use whole numbers and a variety of tools and strategies to effectively solve multi-stepproblems ( being asked to extract info, choose appropriate strategy and apply this to effectively solve theproblem).• Baseline assessments will be happening between now and Oct 21 st .• Teacher moderation of student work will happen on the Oct. 21 st P.A. Day with baseline results to theoffice by the end of that day.• Additionally, on the P.A. day, we will be reviewing the Student Indicators of Learning, the InstructionalStrategies and the Professional Learning Strategies. Explicit teaching strategies will be discussed bydivisions.• Explicit teaching strategies to occur over the next 4 weeks with a summative assessment (similar questionto baseline) to be administered late November or early December.9

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