1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...

1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...

1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...


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13. Round Table updates:a. Communications – school wide emails (survey, newsletters, bulletins, reminders). Covered under Report fromthe Chair.b. Website – looking awesome - very positive feedback.c. Community Liaison – Kim absent - tabledd. Canadian Parents for French - tablede. Class Reps - The following report was submitted by Jen Danby McDonaldThank you to all class reps for working with us to complete our master email list! We are missing only a veryfew families and hope to reach them soon. Please contact your Parent Class Rep if you are not receiving anyschool-related emails. Next Wednesday, October 19th, we will be holding a Parent Class Rep InformationNight. Since the inception of the Parent Class Rep program, we have had many reps with questions about whatthey can do in this role. We have also had lots of great ideas from reps and teachers. So what we would like todo is bring our current reps together to share those ideas with each other. Laurie and I will also be on hand toanswer any of your questions. The meeting will be held at 7pm in the Library. Please RSVP by Friday, October14th to the email invitation that was sent so that we know how many to expect. Thank you to those who haveoffered to bring a treat to share!f. Environment• Natasha to look into financial numbers for sleds, bulbs and scoops for next Tuesday's Ad-Hoc meeting.• Parents could be asked if they would like to donate bulbs – VOLUNTARY – through class reps. Jen DM hasthe names of teachers who are interested in bulb planting, to pass along to reps.• Teachers have requested painting of lines in the playground. Mr. Jeff has volunteered to do the lines insteadof hiring a painting company.• Kiln – needs new arms. Lauriel Wills and Mme Lalonde-Blais to look into locating the PowerPoint tutorial forall grades, and consult with Sherri as to what would be needed to fix it. More info to follow.g. OCASC – Natasha Robb-Burrows has had to excuse herself from attending the OCASC meetings due topersonal time constraints.h. Parent Supported Literacy Program – One parent has responded to the request for tutors. Heather Wyche hasspoken with Norine Archer Farrell. Will follow up again to determine dates for orientation, which teachers havestudents who could benefit from the program, and when the program will start.i. Volunteers - Tabled.j. Talentfest – Proceeds from the evening have been used to purchase music and art related supplies, to be usedthroughout the school. One order arrived, two more orders on their way. Classes are going to be able to signup to use the music room and instruments in the morning.14. MISCELLANEOUS FEEDBACKa. Mr. Lalonde and Mrs. Wiebe-Reed were highlighted in local newspapers. Copies have been posted on thebulletin board.b. Mrs. Bickmore has a former student who is a published author in Chicken Soup for the Soul – came in to speakto grade 5.c. Ukulele club – Chantal will be pairing up with Mrs. MacMillan to get it going again this year.d. Grand opening of the play structures – tabled.e. Talentfest planned again for this year.f. Ski club in the plans again for this year, but will be structured differently and renamed. Cannot be called a "club"since it is offered during the instructional day. Because of new Ministry of Education guidelines, either allstudents go, or more options are offered (high, medium, low). More info to follow.g. Character certificates. We will get feedback from teachers to see how they feel about continuing the program.Some suggestions made were to make the forms available through the newsletter or on the website, so theycould be filled out with parent's help at home. If the program continues, it would be more streamlined, andstricter filtering done. Awaiting feedback.h. Nobody doll. Having one per classroom seemed a bit excessive. Suggestion made to have one per division.Teachers to be approached. The books from past dolls (and dolls) to be kept in the library. Lauriel Wills willtake care of processing the books and dolls into the library.14. <strong>Meeting</strong> adjourned at 9:33pm. Next meeting to be held on Thursday, November 10th, 2011.5

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