1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...

1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...

1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...


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CommunicationsDiscussion ensued regarding who would be in charge of distributing communications from <strong>Council</strong>. Decided thatMike would send out things to <strong>Council</strong> members such as agenda, minutes, etc. Mike will coordinate with Leslie Segalfor all communication being distributed to the parents at large. It was decided that we would try to send out regularemails (twice monthly), but try not to overwhelm the parent population. Exceptions will be made in case of urgency ordeadlines. The response to the newsletter has been extremely positive. Thanks, Leslie!! We will find someone inJune to help Leslie get the email lists and website updated for next year.CVESC email distribution list: A paper was distributed to update emails.Dissemination of information from OCDSB, OCASC, PIC, People for Education, Canadian Parents for French.It was decided that we would find representatives from our council to attend meetings or monitor websites of thesedifferent organizations, in order to provide feedback to the council and the parent population. If the representative isunavailable to attend a meeting, they will find a replacement.OCDSB: Mike StevensonOCASC: Chrystal Brown OCASC is a good forum for exchanging of information and problem solving. All arewelcome to attend meetings, and you can sign up for their newsletter (once a month). Link can be found on ourschool council website. The information evenings re very helpful for parents. We pay a $35 membership fee forCVES.PIC: Heather Wilson Parent Involved Committee. Met last week, no minutes available.People for Education: Melanie Bennett People for Education is an Ontario-wide lobby group for public education. Ifyou are interested, please sign up for their monthly newsletter. www.peopleforeducation.ca. Annual conference inToronto in November; info to be posted on bulletin board.Canadian Parents for French: Laurie Rail We receive a newsletter because we are a member of the organization.Laurie will provide us with a summary. Link to their website is on our website. We have a parent from CVES who isregistered to attend a conference in November, and we will ask him to come and give us some feedback. Some infofor parents about their website to be put in the next newsletter. Website has tutorials, help with homework, etc.Each of these organizations will be highlighted in upcoming newsletter.9. Treasurer’s ReportCVESC had a cash balance of $25,613.38 as at October 11, 2011. Financial activity since the beginning of the 2011-12 school year is as follows:Opening Cash balance (Sep 8/11) $20,498.88Cash Receipts 10,803.27Cash Outlays (5,688.77)Closing Cash balance (Oct 11/11) $25,613.38Cash receipts largely consist of monies collected for the milk program. Cash outlays include resources allocated tostaff for the Classroom Resource Fund, and expenses related to the milk program. Beginning in November, a monthlyfinancial report will be provided.Transition – update on new processOur finance team consists of the following members, with the following roles:Alka Moorjani: All reimbursements, cheque writing, deposits, i.e. all bankingLesley Bookkeeping, forecasting, report writing.Debbie Hill. Ad-Hoc Committee and assisting with forecasting.Signing Officers:Leslie Chen, Margaret Clunie, Alks Moorjani3

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