1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...

1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...

1 MINUTES Castor Valley Elementary School Council Meeting ...


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<strong>MINUTES</strong><strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>October 13, 2011 at <strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> Library1. Welcome, Introductions, Important September Dates & AcknowledgementsIn attendance: Cindy Ace, Melanie Bennett, Lori Blinn, Chrystal Brown, Sherri Bonneville, Marg Clunie, Jen Danby-McDonald, Debbie Hill, Luisa Kuca, Kiley Lacelle, Tracy Lager, Jeanne Lalonde-Blais, Alka Moorjani, SusannaPenning, Laurel Perry-Hapli, Laurie Rail, Natasha Robb-Burrows, Leslie Segal, Wendy Spenst, Mike Stevenson,Lauriel Wills, Heather Wilson, Tracey Windsor, Avital Winer, Heather WycheRegrets: Ann Arden, Rebecca Parke, Tania Salvi,Amuse-toi Bien kit returned by Laure Perry-Hapli, taken by Alka Moorjani.Terry Fox Run: Jeanne Lalonde-Blais gave positive feedback from the run, held on Sept. 28. It was wet but everyonewent outside and everyone had a great time; well received by all. CVES raised $973. There was an assemblybefore the run which presented a video about Terry Fox. Very educational and inspiring. Parental feedback was thatyounger children came home understanding more of the “why” we did it.CHEO donation – CVES received certificate from CHEO for the donation in Suzanna Penning’s honour.2. Approval of AgendaMoved by Leslie Segal, seconded by Luisa Kuca, to approve the agenda as submitted. Motion carried.In response to the question by Mike Stevenson, no one had a problem with the agenda only being circulated theMonday before the meeting.Mike gave us a brief overview of the “Parking Lot” section of the agenda. In order to streamline meetings, only itemsthat are on the agenda will be discussed. If other items come up during the meeting, they will be put in the “ParkingLot”. If time permits, they may be addressed at the current meeting; otherwise they will be tabled to a future meeting,or perhaps delegated to a sub-committee.3. Approval of MinutesMoved by Heather Wilson, seconded by Jen Danby-MacDonald, to approve the minutes from September 8, 2011 assubmitted. Motion carried.All minutes from the 2010-2011 school year are available on the school council website. Minutes prior to that areavailable in hard copy in a binder in the library (teacher resources section).4. Appointment of New Voting Members and Non-Voting Affiliate Members – one spot remains available as avoting member on CVESC. No one has come forward. Tabled.5. Constitutional Amendments – None submitted. Tabled.6. Junior/Intermediate Play StructureNatasha Robb-Burrows reported that the structure is now open, well used, and well enjoyed. One of the pieces didhave to be removed, as the board was not satisfied with it. The manufacturing company used the funds from thatpiece to remove an additional piece of concrete.Financial aspect: Please see attached report submitted by Heather Wilson. No further charges will be incurred to theschool for this structure. The school board will absorb any further expenses due to this project.Heather would like to see us earmark the money retained (see report) to top up the mulch whenever the need arises.The Primary play structure has sand, the Junior/Intermediate structure has mulch. Mr. Jeff to monitor safe levels ofsand/mulch.Teacher feedback - the students are loving it. As a teacher, you don’t even plan DPA because they just want to beon the structure. Even the big kids. It also works well as a reward.1

Question arose about whether there is any cost to maintaining the structures themselves. There is a warranty, andmost elements of the structures should have quite a long life. The only part that may show wear over time is thenylon web, but as it is not used with sand, its life should be extended.7. Principal, Teaching and Support Staff ReportsRideauwood Programming and Funding Update:Very informative presentation given by Amanda Neilson, counselor from Rideauwood. Program supports children inthe areas of drug and alcohol support. Her goal is to start conversations with the students about drugs and alcohol;not just curricular education, but dealing with stigmas and opening discussions. Program starts in Grade 6, whereshe finds students have a lot of information, but don’t always know what to do with it. As she has a good rapport withthe students, they feel comfortable talking with her; she becomes an access point. If they speak to her about otherissues they are dealing with, she can also help redirect them to other specialists. She works in each school (CVESand Metcalfe) for an average of 2 to 3 hours a week, every other week. Ours is the only public school system thatoffers this service starting in Grace 6. Program is community maintained.Heather Wilson asked if we have enough funding in place for this school year. CVES has raised $3,000 for theprogram for this year. Cost of the program is $2,000 per school. The program does run year round (through O-YA(Osgoode Youth Association) in the summer). Amanda suggests that if we are looking at fundraising, we shouldearmark the funds for next year’s program.If anyone has any further questions, Amanda welcomes any phone calls, emails, etc. She is a resource for thestudents, the teachers, the school counsel, the parents of the community. She may be reached ataneilson@rideauwood.org.Parent comment: glad to see that CVES is taking our children’s mental health so seriously.Principal's Report:Please see attached report, submitted by Sherri BonnevilleLunch monitoring program. No one has come forward. Natasha suggested advertising the opening in the lobby, andthrough Applied Education. Posting will also be in the Nov. newsletter. We have received funding for 2 adult lunchmonitors every day for each nutrition break. If we don’t use these funds for this purpose, we won't receive themagain.Teaching Staff ReportAs reported by Mme Jeanne Lalonde-Blais:• 6 classes are willing to plant bulbs (feedback from last meeting). It is assume that the bulbs will be provided.• Recess consumables requested: Winter scoops, plastic sleds with ropes (10 or 12).• Cross country run: Approximately 100 students participated.• Mme Rolland's grade 2 class will be doing a 2k run in May (again), wearing CVES t-shirts.• Metcalfe Fair fieldtrip went very well.• Mr. Smith's grade 5 class had a guest speaker: order of Canada recipient Herb Gray.Chief Custodian ReportNo report.Office Staff ReportNo report.Library ReportPlease see attached report submitted by Coreen Atkins.8. Chair’s Report (Mike Stevenson)<strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Vision: Mike requested feedback as to what our Vision as <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> should be, and to try to findefficiencies for our meetings and all else we do. Please don't be shy, we would like to hear all ideas.Co-Chair: Mike believes he can probably stay on into the new year as chair, but would like someone to help out withprocessing, dissecting and organizing the volume of information. This person does not have to be there every singlemonth…it can be done on a rotational basis. Position also gives the opportunity to get involved, and can helpprepare for future succession, when it is time for Mike to step down.2

CommunicationsDiscussion ensued regarding who would be in charge of distributing communications from <strong>Council</strong>. Decided thatMike would send out things to <strong>Council</strong> members such as agenda, minutes, etc. Mike will coordinate with Leslie Segalfor all communication being distributed to the parents at large. It was decided that we would try to send out regularemails (twice monthly), but try not to overwhelm the parent population. Exceptions will be made in case of urgency ordeadlines. The response to the newsletter has been extremely positive. Thanks, Leslie!! We will find someone inJune to help Leslie get the email lists and website updated for next year.CVESC email distribution list: A paper was distributed to update emails.Dissemination of information from OCDSB, OCASC, PIC, People for Education, Canadian Parents for French.It was decided that we would find representatives from our council to attend meetings or monitor websites of thesedifferent organizations, in order to provide feedback to the council and the parent population. If the representative isunavailable to attend a meeting, they will find a replacement.OCDSB: Mike StevensonOCASC: Chrystal Brown OCASC is a good forum for exchanging of information and problem solving. All arewelcome to attend meetings, and you can sign up for their newsletter (once a month). Link can be found on ourschool council website. The information evenings re very helpful for parents. We pay a $35 membership fee forCVES.PIC: Heather Wilson Parent Involved Committee. Met last week, no minutes available.People for Education: Melanie Bennett People for Education is an Ontario-wide lobby group for public education. Ifyou are interested, please sign up for their monthly newsletter. www.peopleforeducation.ca. Annual conference inToronto in November; info to be posted on bulletin board.Canadian Parents for French: Laurie Rail We receive a newsletter because we are a member of the organization.Laurie will provide us with a summary. Link to their website is on our website. We have a parent from CVES who isregistered to attend a conference in November, and we will ask him to come and give us some feedback. Some infofor parents about their website to be put in the next newsletter. Website has tutorials, help with homework, etc.Each of these organizations will be highlighted in upcoming newsletter.9. Treasurer’s ReportCVESC had a cash balance of $25,613.38 as at October 11, 2011. Financial activity since the beginning of the 2011-12 school year is as follows:Opening Cash balance (Sep 8/11) $20,498.88Cash Receipts 10,803.27Cash Outlays (5,688.77)Closing Cash balance (Oct 11/11) $25,613.38Cash receipts largely consist of monies collected for the milk program. Cash outlays include resources allocated tostaff for the Classroom Resource Fund, and expenses related to the milk program. Beginning in November, a monthlyfinancial report will be provided.Transition – update on new processOur finance team consists of the following members, with the following roles:Alka Moorjani: All reimbursements, cheque writing, deposits, i.e. all bankingLesley Bookkeeping, forecasting, report writing.Debbie Hill. Ad-Hoc Committee and assisting with forecasting.Signing Officers:Leslie Chen, Margaret Clunie, Alks Moorjani3

Ad Hoc Finance <strong>Meeting</strong> – submission deadline October 5, meeting Tues. Oct. 18A few late requests have come in; they were asked to fill out the forms. 22 submissions were received, representing$21,256 in requested funds. All are welcome to attend the meeting on Oct. 18. Projection of cash flow has beenprepared. Proposal to be presented at our November CVESC <strong>Meeting</strong>. Those who have submitted requests areencouraged to come and "pitch" their ideas.Heather Wilson motioned, seconded by Jen Danby-Macdonald, to approve expenditure for OCASC membership fee(approx. $35). All in favour; motion carried.Motion to approve <strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> liability insurance recommended by OCDSB (approx. $180) – tabled.Heather Wilson motioned, seconded by Melanie Bennett to allocate unused PIP funds ($2,246) to create a plaque toacknowledge all sponsors, and to keep some in reserve to top up the mulch in the junior/intermediate play structureas needed. Funds to be carried over to future years if necessary. All in favour; motion carried.Heather Wilson motioned, seconded by Alka Moorjani, to reimburse Eleanor $200 for the milk fridge. All in favour;motion carried.10. PRO (Parents Reaching Out) Grant UpdateLeslie, Chrystal and Jen D-M met to brainstorm ideas.We were awarded $800 from ministry of education. $250 of that amount has been committed to Social NetworkingSafety. On November 28th, there will be two student presentations (grades 4/5 and 6/7/8) of 45 minutes each,presented by Paul Davis. On the same evening there will be a 90 minute presentation for parents and teachers; amore in-depth presentation of what was shared with children. Expense of the program will be shared between ourPRO grant and the school.Other programs that will be continued:• Literacy at Home (English & French)• Family Math Night (assisted by Mme LaCharity) - to be confirmed• Welcome to JK / SK in January• Assessment and Reporting• Transition between Divisions. Suggestion to stagger times for parents with children entering more than onedivision.Other ideas:• Anti-bullying for primary students. Interactive puppetry, etc. Sherry has some literature.• Would like to cover a different aspect of mental health each year.Volunteers will be needed to help out for these evenings; childcare (assisted by Grade 7/8 students), registration, etc.The committee welcomes all ideas and feedback from past sessions.11. Fundraising ReportEntertainment BooksPlease see attached report submitted by Heather Wilson and Margaret Clunie. Suggestion made to sell them at meetthe teacher next year. Also suggested that parents are told how much of each book goes back to the school.MacMillan’sThe forms have been sent home. Closes November 5th. Looking for volunteers to help with delivery on Nov. 24.Business Directory on www.castorvalley.ca – tabledChristmas Shopping Day plans (grade 7 & 8 students - Craft Day?) – tabled.Soccer Night. Wendy Spenst suggested hosting another family soccer night. To be discussed further.12. New Business – Tabled4

13. Round Table updates:a. Communications – school wide emails (survey, newsletters, bulletins, reminders). Covered under Report fromthe Chair.b. Website – looking awesome - very positive feedback.c. Community Liaison – Kim absent - tabledd. Canadian Parents for French - tablede. Class Reps - The following report was submitted by Jen Danby McDonaldThank you to all class reps for working with us to complete our master email list! We are missing only a veryfew families and hope to reach them soon. Please contact your Parent Class Rep if you are not receiving anyschool-related emails. Next Wednesday, October 19th, we will be holding a Parent Class Rep InformationNight. Since the inception of the Parent Class Rep program, we have had many reps with questions about whatthey can do in this role. We have also had lots of great ideas from reps and teachers. So what we would like todo is bring our current reps together to share those ideas with each other. Laurie and I will also be on hand toanswer any of your questions. The meeting will be held at 7pm in the Library. Please RSVP by Friday, October14th to the email invitation that was sent so that we know how many to expect. Thank you to those who haveoffered to bring a treat to share!f. Environment• Natasha to look into financial numbers for sleds, bulbs and scoops for next Tuesday's Ad-Hoc meeting.• Parents could be asked if they would like to donate bulbs – VOLUNTARY – through class reps. Jen DM hasthe names of teachers who are interested in bulb planting, to pass along to reps.• Teachers have requested painting of lines in the playground. Mr. Jeff has volunteered to do the lines insteadof hiring a painting company.• Kiln – needs new arms. Lauriel Wills and Mme Lalonde-Blais to look into locating the PowerPoint tutorial forall grades, and consult with Sherri as to what would be needed to fix it. More info to follow.g. OCASC – Natasha Robb-Burrows has had to excuse herself from attending the OCASC meetings due topersonal time constraints.h. Parent Supported Literacy Program – One parent has responded to the request for tutors. Heather Wyche hasspoken with Norine Archer Farrell. Will follow up again to determine dates for orientation, which teachers havestudents who could benefit from the program, and when the program will start.i. Volunteers - Tabled.j. Talentfest – Proceeds from the evening have been used to purchase music and art related supplies, to be usedthroughout the school. One order arrived, two more orders on their way. Classes are going to be able to signup to use the music room and instruments in the morning.14. MISCELLANEOUS FEEDBACKa. Mr. Lalonde and Mrs. Wiebe-Reed were highlighted in local newspapers. Copies have been posted on thebulletin board.b. Mrs. Bickmore has a former student who is a published author in Chicken Soup for the Soul – came in to speakto grade 5.c. Ukulele club – Chantal will be pairing up with Mrs. MacMillan to get it going again this year.d. Grand opening of the play structures – tabled.e. Talentfest planned again for this year.f. Ski club in the plans again for this year, but will be structured differently and renamed. Cannot be called a "club"since it is offered during the instructional day. Because of new Ministry of Education guidelines, either allstudents go, or more options are offered (high, medium, low). More info to follow.g. Character certificates. We will get feedback from teachers to see how they feel about continuing the program.Some suggestions made were to make the forms available through the newsletter or on the website, so theycould be filled out with parent's help at home. If the program continues, it would be more streamlined, andstricter filtering done. Awaiting feedback.h. Nobody doll. Having one per classroom seemed a bit excessive. Suggestion made to have one per division.Teachers to be approached. The books from past dolls (and dolls) to be kept in the library. Lauriel Wills willtake care of processing the books and dolls into the library.14. <strong>Meeting</strong> adjourned at 9:33pm. Next meeting to be held on Thursday, November 10th, 2011.5

Important CVESC DatesCVESC meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month from 7 to 9 pm in the school library with theexception of December and March when there will not be a meeting and June when it is held after Fun Night(September 8, October 13, November 10, January 12, February 9, April 12, May 10 & June 21)Ad-Hoc Finance <strong>Meeting</strong>: Tuesday, October 18th, at 7:00pm in CVES LibraryClass Rep <strong>Meeting</strong>: Wednesday, October 19th at 7:00pm in CVES LibraryPhoto Retakes:Monday, October 24thMacMillan Orders due: Monday, November 7thPRO Evening:Monday, November 28th - Social Networking Safety 101 for ParentsChristmas Shopping Day: Tuesday, December 20th with Monday set-upUsed Book Sale:Friday, April 27th with set-up Wed. & Thurs.Fun Night: Tuesday, June 12th (EQAO May 23 to June 6)OCASC <strong>Meeting</strong> DatesThird Thursday of each month at Fisher Park <strong>School</strong> 250 Holland Ave. in the Library on the second floor.6

Playground Improvement Project Financial SummaryHeather Wilson, October 3, 20111. OCDSB guidelines $45,000 per play structure (site preparation, structure, installation, taxes) so 2 structures x$45,000 = $90,0002. Early in the process D&G Landscaping (Clunie family) indicated that they would donate heavy equipment and labourcosts associated with site preparation and that they could tap into their network for additional donations in kind (e.g,sand, dumping removed asphalt, etc.)3. The site preparation work was put out to tender. D&G Landscaping bid $24,900 (plus HST), the next closest bid was$35,000 (plus HST).4. OCDSB can claw back a portion of the HST (approx. 9% thus the rebates indicated below in an email from DanFournier at the OCDSB to Marnie requesting her approval for the project)Marnie, To summarize our evaluation, Playground planners was successful.Please approve that I may start the award process. Here is a following breakdown of the costs and where they will becharged.1 - EquipmentTotal $ 66,699.93 (Includes HST).$ 30,000 will be covered by the Board under the insurance claim$ 36,699.93 will be charged to your REN account. ($ 33,455.00 with rebates)2 - Site PreparationTotal - $ 28,137.00 (Includes HST)$ 7500 will be covered by the Board$ 20,637.00 will be charged to your REN account ($ 18,815.00 with rebates)The total that will be charged to your REN account is $57,336.93, with rebates is approximately $52,270.00, but only getsreturned into the account when invoices are processed.Please send me your approval to proceed.Tks, DanEquipment & Installation (including taxes) 66,699.93Site preparation costs (including taxes) 28,137.00Total Budget (tax rebates not included) 94,836.93<strong>School</strong> REN account (all monies from CVESC fundraising & donations moved here)City of Ottawa grant 7,500.00Donations to <strong>School</strong> Account (tax receipts requested includes Scotiabank) 7,625.00<strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> fundraising & donations(no tax receipt required, includes Tony Greco) 37,375.00REN Subtotal 52,500.00$54,746.33 raised (see summary below) – 7,500 (City of Ottawa grant) – 7,625(Donations to <strong>School</strong> Account) = $39,621.33 but only $37,375 moved from CVESC toCVES for a total of $52,500 so approx. $2,246 unused to dateFundraising 2010-11Meet the Teacher BBQ7

1,707.28Christmas Shopping Day 1,182.00Macmillan's 4,631.43Entertainment Books 11,864.41<strong>School</strong> Supply Kits 360.00Toy Sale 374.90QSP Magazine Sale 2,301.31CVESC Donations (no tax receipt required)Metcalfe & District Lions 500.00Greely Lions 500.00Wilson Law Partners 1,000.00Huitikka-Wilton 200.00WO Stinson & Son 500.00Tony Greco 10,000.00<strong>School</strong> Account Donations (tax receipts required)Entrepreneurial Adventure (Mrs. Bickmore0 950.00Myers Orleans 125.00Fong Ng 50.00Michel Marion Distribution 500.00Clarmo Automotive 300.00Penning Huybregts 100.00S.A. Hicks Insurance Brokers Ltd. 200.00Beds for Tails Country Kennels Inc. 250.00Metcalfe & Osgoode Family Dental Centres 250.00Metcalfe & Osgoode Family Dental Centres 250.00Orchard View Reception & Conference Centre 500.00Cooper Physiotherapy Professional Corporation 500.00Millennium Roofing 500.00Peter Knippel Nursery Inc 50.00Greely Storage Inc. 100.00Scotiabank (Fun Night June 2010) * 3,000.00<strong>School</strong> Account Donations Subtotal 7,625.00*<strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> 2009-10 ($3000 Scotiabank+$4500 for matching grant app) 4,500.00City of Ottawa matching grant 7,500.00Subtotal 54,746.33OCDSB matching grant 7,500.00OCDSB insurance 30,000.00Total 92,246.338

Highlights from EQAO assessment – Spring 2011Principal’s Report<strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>Meeting</strong>Thursday, October 13, 2011Library• Gr. 3 results (student currently in gr. 4) in Reading, Writing and Mathematics exceeded both the board andthe province for students achieving levels 3 and 4.Reading: <strong>School</strong> 76, Board 67, Province 65 (area of weaker performance –Reading Fluency, but not significant)Writing: <strong>School</strong> 84, Board 73, Province 73Math: <strong>School</strong> 79, Board 68, Province 69 (evidence of knowledge and understanding and thinking arestrong; evidence of application: selecting the right tool or extracting the right information and applying it toeffectively solve a problem is a weaker area of performance)• Grade 6 results ( students currently in gr. 7) in Reading, Writing and Mathematicsexceeded both the board and the province for students achieving at levels 3 and 4.Reading: <strong>School</strong> 96, Board 78, Province 74Writing: <strong>School</strong> 87, Board 74, Province 73Math: <strong>School</strong> 84, Board 63, Province 58 (area of weaker performance is extracting the appropriateinformation and applying it to effectively solve a problem)• Point of interest: The 2007-2008 gr. 3 results are for the same cohort as the grade 6 results for 2010-2011.It is a different test and a different grade level, but it does indicate growth from grade 3 to grade 6 (thesmall dip in gr. 6 math is statistically insignificant). The processes, teaching strategies and teachingsupports are working well and are supporting improvement in student learning and achievement.Highlights of the <strong>School</strong> Improvement Plan (First cycle)• Overall focus is Mathematics – Gr. 1-3 Number Sense and Numeration(composing anddecomposing numbers - understanding of this concepts helps in the acquisition and understanding of basicmath facts).Gr. 4-6 NS and N (solving problems using multiplication of whole numbers – application of this concept toeffectively solve a problem). We are not asking them to extract the info or choose the most appropriatetool; this is being given to them.Gr. 7-8 NS and N ( use whole numbers and a variety of tools and strategies to effectively solve multi-stepproblems ( being asked to extract info, choose appropriate strategy and apply this to effectively solve theproblem).• Baseline assessments will be happening between now and Oct 21 st .• Teacher moderation of student work will happen on the Oct. 21 st P.A. Day with baseline results to theoffice by the end of that day.• Additionally, on the P.A. day, we will be reviewing the Student Indicators of Learning, the InstructionalStrategies and the Professional Learning Strategies. Explicit teaching strategies will be discussed bydivisions.• Explicit teaching strategies to occur over the next 4 weeks with a summative assessment (similar questionto baseline) to be administered late November or early December.9

Principal's Report, continued...Rideauwood program: Amanda Neilson began her gr. 6 presentations today for Mrs. Bell and Mme Holmes’classes.Presentations to remaining gr.6 class and to the Int. classes to be announced.Early Intervention Program – Mike Soulliere from the RoyalProgram for gr. 8 students (8 – 10 participants/ session) coping with anxiety and depressive feelings.Presentation will be made to all grade 8 students. Selected students will meet once a week for 3 to 4 weeks duringinstructional day.LST will also be part of sessions – train the trainer.Cost – coverage of mileage.Classroom presentations to occur late October / early NovemberThank you on behalf of all staff for the teacher allotment cheques. They are very much appreciated and will helpoffset the out of pocket expenses that are incurred annually by the teaching staff.10

5 Oct 2011To: Parents’ <strong>Council</strong>From: Coreen Atkins-SheldrickLibrary Tech.Finally, at long last, the Library at <strong>Castor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> is back in order, up and running.With the assistance of the many wonderful Parent Volunteers who put in 200+ volunteer hours in June (packing)as well as September-October (inventorying, purging and reshelving of approx. 13,000 items), the last books wereplaced on the shelves on the 4 th .The CVES Library will be fully operational and available for students to borrow books as of 11 th of October.As a result of the purging that was carried out (approx. 2300 books removed from collection), we now have spaceon the shelves for the approx. 1000 new books (new to CVES), awaiting processing.For those who may be concerned regarding volume of books removed from collection, books were purged basedupon following criteria:- have not circulated in 6-10+ years, or;- material was extremely outdated (facts, graphics, format), or;- book was damaged or in very poor condition (falling apart, moldy, etc.), or;- there were more than 2 copies of the book on the shelves (English), or 3 copies (French), or;- Material was inappropriate for K - 8 students.Every attempt was made to ensure that one subject area was not completely wiped out (countries, period ofhistory, etc.). Any gaps in the collection which were identified as a result of the inventory process have beenadded to the ongoing “Wish List” which I have been compiling over the last couple of years (and maintain on aregular basis).The discarded/purged books are being dealt with in the following way:1. Teachers (and staff) are given the opportunity to go through books and select those desired for theirown classroom collections;2. the Ambassadors will go through books, selecting those which are appropriate for sending to schoolsin Zimbabwe (English only) (if anyone knows of a way to get the French books to Haiti, let theAmbassadors know);3. CVES used book sale in Spring.THANK YOU so very much to the wonderful Parent Volunteers who assisted with this massive undertaking andfor those who have volunteered to continuing helping with the processing of the new books and putting booksback on the shelves, once book exchange is underway.Scholastic Book Fair – September 2011As a result of the very successful book Fair, we realized sales of $ 5100.00 which has resulted in a book credit of$ 3500.00 ($ 2900.00 has already been spent on new books and Teachers’ resources).Thank you to all the Students, Parents and Staff who supported the sale. The next sale will be in February 2012.11

<strong>School</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Entertainment Book Sale Summary 2011Heather Wilson & Marg ClunieSale started Tuesday Sept. 20 with deadline Tues. Oct. 4Shipped700 books (sent out 1/child 646 books distributed)Sold 3232 for 1 Teachers 16Staff Complimentary Books 6Volunteer Complimentary Books 9Leftover/Returned 290Total 644Missing 56 books (700 – 644) as of Tuesday Oct. 12 when sale closed out with our Entertainment Book Rep.(waiting to hear of any online sales) – hard copy reminders sent home with children for whom we have nobook/orderCash to be deposited = $11,863Entertainment Book Invoice = $6776 (includes online sales)Approx. Profit @ $14/book = $11,863 – $6776 = $5087(any funds/books received after sale closed out CVESCkeeps)Last Year Profit = $17.50/book (sold 729 books last year and generated $11,864)RecommendationsOne family purchased 38 books and another 20 booksEstimate approx. 50 hours of volunteer time requiredAssembly night with 9 volunteers for 1.5 hours worked greatNeed someone in the school every second day to clean out the returned books and deal with the ordersNo prizes, other than top seller and top class, simplified record keepingDecide at April SC meeting if doing again next year, temporarily reserved 460 books (1 per family)Over 400 books returned so send 1 per family (less burden on volunteers, teachers, students and parentshandling books)Need to be more specific as to what we are raising funds for.12

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