Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

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licence that the licensee comply with needletime <strong>and</strong> copyright obligations, with the rider that repeated failuresto do so will lead to the cancellation of the licence. Broadcasters who are repeatedly in breach of theseobligations should not be permitted to broadcast. Conditions along the lines suggested would be the mosteffective means of ensuring that broadcasters pay royalties.11.3 SOME OF THE MITT RECOMMENDATIONS11.3.1. As stated earlier in this report, the Music Industry Task Team (MITT) was appointed by the Minister of Arts,Culture, Science <strong>and</strong> Technology in response to an expression by musicians <strong>and</strong> their representativeorganisations of problems within the music industry. The MITT’s findings with regard to compliance <strong>and</strong>monitoring were:1) The IBA (Independent Broadcasting Authority, ICASA’s predecessor) was not effective in enforcing <strong>and</strong>monitoring the local content quotas <strong>and</strong>, as a result, many broadcasters were not adhering to the localquota; <strong>and</strong>2) The local content quota of 20% for commercial radio stations was too low.11.3.2. The MITT recommended that a significant improvement was required from IBA with regard to the enforcement<strong>and</strong> monitoring of the local content quotas. The MITT also recommended an increase of the local content quotafrom 20% to 50% for commercial radio stations.11.4 ICASA’S LOCAL MUSIC CONTENT TARGETS VS PROGRESS TO DATE11.4.1. ICASA’s targets <strong>and</strong> progress to date with regard to public radio stations are detailed in Table 23.Table 23: ICASA’s Targets Versus Achievements by Public Radio Stations in 2010Radio Station Music Local Content Targets Recent Actual Content Achieveda. Ukhozi FM 40% 80%b. SAFM 40% 71%c. RSG 40% 83%d. Lotus FM 40% 27%e. Umhlobo Wenene FM 40% 81%f. Lesedi FM 40% 85%g. Thobela FM 40% 78%h. Motsweding FM 40% 84%i. Ligwalagwala FM 40% 83%j. Munghana Lonene 40% 83%k. Ikwekwezi FM 40% 92%l. Phalaphala FM 40% 84%m. XK FM 40% 93%n. Radio 2000 40% 84%- 82 -

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