Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

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Refs.Details2010Rm’s2009Rm’s2008Rm’se.f.Social <strong>and</strong> Cultural AllocationsNet revenue for SAMPRA (unavailable fordistributions)(16,3) (14,5) (14,6)(30,5) (20,1) (15,1)g. Undocumented Works <strong>and</strong> Non-Members RoyaltiesNot yetavailable(33,0) (27,5)h. Transfers from / (to) Reserves <strong>and</strong> Tax Not relevant (1,2) (21,1)i. SAMRO’s Cash Available for DistributionsNot yetavailable179,2 158,1Table 17: Cash Distributed by SAMRORefs. Details 2009 2008 2007RM’s % RM’s % RM’s %j. Local Composers <strong>and</strong> Authors 43,2 24,1 39,6 25,1 30,5 24,9k. Beneficiaries 1,4 0,8 1,1 0,7 0,9 0,7l. Publishers 57,4 32,1 49,7 31,4 38,6 31,4m. Foreign Collecting Societies 77,2 43,0 67,7 42,8 52,6 42,9n. Total Distributions (As in Table 16) 179,2 100,0 158,1 100,0 122,6 100,010.1.1. The total collections for music royalties (performance, needletime <strong>and</strong> mechanical rights) for 2010 amounted toapproximately R357,9 million. Over <strong>and</strong> above the royalty collections, SAMRO has investments in excess ofR300 million in different classes of assets. Over the last three years, these investments generated income ofbetween R41 million <strong>and</strong> R66 million per annum. The investment income is eligible for distribution.10.1.2. The administration expenses pertain to the overhead costs for the two collecting societies (SAMRO <strong>and</strong>SAMPRA).10.1.3. SAMRO is the only local collecting society that sets aside cash for social <strong>and</strong> cultural activities.10.1.4. Due to the legal case involving SAMPRA, SAMRO <strong>and</strong> the Registrar, SAMPRA has not yet managed todistribute royalties for sound recordings. The total net amount (excluding investment income) collected bySAMPRA during the last three completed financial periods is R66,2 million (R15,2 million + R20,5 million +R30,5 million).10.1.5. Royalty payments are made after the completion of the financial year in which they were collected from theusers. The distribution details for the 2010 financial year were not available at the time of compiling this report<strong>and</strong> so the details for the 2007 financial year were included in Table 17 to compare the three-year trend.- 71 -

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