Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

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8.2.3 Commercial Radio Stations – Sound RecordingsTable 7: Radio Stations Tariffs for Sound Recording RightsPPL (UK) SPRE (FRANCE) PPL (INDIA) SAMPRANet BroadcastingRevenueRatesNetBroadcastingRevenueRatesLess thanR7,3 million2%Up toR5,1 million4%Flat rate of 2%based on theadvertising revenueThe tariffs are notavailable since thematter was referred tothe <strong>Copyright</strong> TribunalBetweenR7,3 million <strong>and</strong>R14,6 million3%BetweenR5,1 million <strong>and</strong>R30,6 million5%Above R14.6million5%BetweenR30,6 million<strong>and</strong>R132,6 million6%R132,6 million<strong>and</strong> above7% For sound recordings in Table 7, PPL (UK’s sound recording collecting society) charges 5% for all radiostations generating revenues in excess of R14 million. The Indian PPL has a flat rate of 2% for all radiobroadcasters. There is no separate charge in respect of the sound recordings for France <strong>and</strong> Switzerl<strong>and</strong>.The royalties collected by SPRE (with regard to France) are shared by all relevant role players(composers, songwriters, publishers, music producers <strong>and</strong> performers). The same principle applies toSwitzerl<strong>and</strong>.8.2.4 Consolidated Costs for Commercial Radio Stations – Performance Rights Plus SoundRecordingsTable 8: Combined Radio Stations Tariffs with 70% Music Airspace or at least R30 Million Annual RevenueDetailsPerformance RightsSound RecordingRightsTotal Liability(Sum of bothRights)UKCollecting society PRS PPLRates 5,25% 5% 10,25%SWITZERLANDCollecting societySUISA(inclusive for bothrights)No separate chargeRates 7% - 7%- 61 -

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