Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

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King IIIPrincipleKing IIIRequirementsSAMRO SAMPRA NORMe. 2.18The majority of nonexecutivedirectorsshould beindependent.There are noindependent directors.The pre-requirementfor becoming a nonexecutivedirector ismembership ofSAMRO.The Articles of theAssociation are not inline with the Code ofGood Governance.There are noindependent directors.The pre-requirementfor becoming a nonexecutivedirector ismembership ofSAMPRA(representatives of therecording companies).There are noindependent directors.The pre-requirementfor becoming a nonexecutivedirector ismembership of NORM(representatives ofpublishers).f. 2.18Every Board shouldconsider whether itssize, diversity <strong>and</strong>demographics make iteffective. Diversityapplies to academicqualifications,technical expertise,relevant industryknowledge,experience <strong>and</strong>others.The members of theBoard have a widerange of experiencewhich includes: law,music publishing,businessmanagement <strong>and</strong> allmusic-relatedactivities.Experience in financialmanagement, auditing<strong>and</strong> collections islimited within thecurrent Board (nonexecutivemembers ofthe Board).This is due to the factthat the Boardmembers are onlydrawn from themembers of SAMRO<strong>and</strong>, if there is a skillsshortage within themembership, thesearch does not gowider than the currentmembership.The details of directors’expertise were notprovided to the CRC.The members of theboard have a widerange of experience,which includes: law,music publishing,finance, auditing,business management<strong>and</strong> all music-relatedactivities.g. 2.10The board shouldensure that there is aneffective risk-basedinternal audit.Internal audit unit is inthe process of beingestablished.Internal audit unit is notin place.Internal audit unit is notin place.- 50 -

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