Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

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operators are licensed by NORM to provide downloads of sound recordings <strong>and</strong> ringtones to consumers, <strong>and</strong>only Vodacom has concluded a mechanical rights licence with SAMRO. This means that the majority of mobileproviders (<strong>and</strong>, by implication, consumers) are dealing in infringing sound recordings <strong>and</strong> may be held criminallyliable for copyright infringement;2) Secondly, South African copyright <strong>and</strong> performers’ protection legislation is outdated <strong>and</strong> does not provide for allforms of digital exploitation;3) A third problem is the reluctance on the part of the self-regulatory body for mobile entities, WASPA, to play apro-active role in ensuring that all content providers pay the necessary royalties;4) ISPA is opposed to the adoption of a ‘3 strike’ rule to curb piracy; <strong>and</strong>5) Lastly, representations were made to the CRC that the collecting societies do not have the requisite knowledge<strong>and</strong> insight to protect adequately their members’ interests in the digital environment.4.8 RECOMMENDATIONS4.8.1. All MNOs <strong>and</strong> WASPs should be barred by the Minister of Communications from distributing content unless theyare licensed by the relevant collecting societies.4.8.2. South Africa should amend its <strong>Copyright</strong> Act by adopting provisions suitable for the digital environment inter aliathe right to communicate literary <strong>and</strong> musical works to the public <strong>and</strong> the right to make available copies ofsound recordings. This should be done regardless of whether South Africa decides to ratify the Internet treaties.4.8.3. WASPA should amend its Code of Conduct to provide for the suspension of members that fail to conclude alicence with the collecting societies <strong>and</strong>/or pay the necessary royalties.4.8.4. The ECT Act <strong>and</strong> the Guidelines for Recognition of Industry Representative Bodies of Information SystemService Providers should be amended to require ISPs to adopt a graduated response for repeat infringersculminating in the suspension of access services of an individual.4.8.5. Collecting societies should take proactive measures to ensure that they efficiently collect royalties for the digitalexploitation of the works they administer.5 STRUCTURE OF COLLECTING SOCIETIES IN SOUTH AFRICA5.1 BACKGROUND5.1.1. <strong>Copyright</strong> confers exclusive rights that are vested in the owner, giving the owner the right to forbid others toexploit his or her work without authorisation. In theory, these rights can be exercised on an individual basis byagreement between parties.5.1.2. There are, however, certain rights that are difficult, if not impossible, to exercise individually <strong>and</strong> so rightsowners have b<strong>and</strong>ed together to exercise these rights on a collective basis. The need for such collective- 38 -

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