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Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

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Once the h<strong>and</strong>set technology changed, it became possible to offer full music downloads. Agreements were thenentered into with the record labels to sell master recordings of music.4.3.4. The digital exploitation of music has developed significantly <strong>and</strong> current offerings can be described as: Permanent downloads: transfers of music from a website to a mobile device, for example, for permanentretention. A full-track download entails the making of a permanent copy of the original sound recording. Limited downloads or on-dem<strong>and</strong> services: the consumer’s use of the copy is restricted by associatedtechnology that makes the file unusable when a subscription ends <strong>and</strong>/or an offering is streamed to thelistener to enable him to listen once, twice or a number of times during the period he subscribes to thatservice. This would typically include the Spotify model [www.spotify.com] <strong>and</strong> is regarded as a streamingservice. A RingBackTone (RBT) service is regarded as the streaming of a sound recording because it isnever downloaded. The user subscribes to the RBT service <strong>and</strong> when he/she receives a call, the MNOstreams the track so that the caller hears it. Special webcasting: This is a service where the user can choose a stream of music, usually from onesource, i.e. from an artist, a group/ensemble or the record of a particular concert. Premium or interactive webcasting (so-called ‘intermediate services’): This form of webcasting includespersonalised services such as LAUNCHcast <strong>and</strong> P<strong>and</strong>ora in the UK. Pure webcasting: a stream of pre-programmed (non-interactive) back-to-back music.4.3.5. In general, South African WASPs offer subscription <strong>and</strong> limited download or on-dem<strong>and</strong> services, but some dooffer permanent downloads of sound recordings. Most subscription services involve the payment of an accessfee, usually through daily or weekly billing. Once users have paid this fee, they are able to access a mobi sitewhere they can choose <strong>and</strong> download content. This is a permanent file <strong>and</strong> does not expire after the user’ssubscription comes to an end. Once users have been successfully billed, they have full access to the downloadportal <strong>and</strong> can claim their tracks as offered by the service. Some services may offer the right to download onesong per day, whereas others offer unlimited downloads. Although offerings may differ, the subscription modelremains the same.4.3.6. WASPS offer services on a subscription <strong>and</strong> à la carte basis. Apple (SA), iTunes (SA), eXactmobile, the NokiaMusic Store (launched on 23 September 2010), Africori, Next Music <strong>and</strong> many more are indicative of theinevitable online trend.4.3.7. Limited download or on-dem<strong>and</strong> services are regarded as streaming services <strong>and</strong> are offered by MNOs inSouth Africa through RBTs. Streaming of music through a RBT service entails the distribution of a work in adiffusion service. A ‘public performance’ licence is necessary for the streaming of music through RBT services<strong>and</strong> for the transmission of sound recordings through Internet radio stations. According to a WASPArepresentative, only MNOs offer the distribution of sound recordings through RBT services; WASPs may notoffer these services. However, not all MNOs offer RBT services. According to a WASPA representative, 8ta hasnot launched such a service. Cell C noted in a written response to the CRC that it had not sold ringtones since- 32 -

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