Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

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TERMS OF REFERENCESNO’SREQUIREMENTS18. Assess how the playing of South Africanmusic, for those artists <strong>and</strong> composersthat do not belong to collecting societies<strong>and</strong> as such no reciprocal agreementsexist, is treated by foreign broadcasters.Determine if any royalty is payable <strong>and</strong> towho exactly is it payable <strong>and</strong> how is suchroyalty is treated by the laws of variouscountries where such royalty is collected.The CRC should assess, advise <strong>and</strong>make recommendations.THE CRC HIGH LEVEL RESPONSESSAMRO’s authority to collect royalties is limited to its members’ repertoire, but itoperates as if it has authority to collect for all repertoire (also that of the non-members)in South Africa. The foreign broadcaster will pay royalties to the foreign collectionsociety for the use of the non-members’ works. The foreign collection society will collecton behalf of the South African non-members. The royalty will be paid to SAMRO. Theroyalty is then payable to the non-members provided SAMRO has effective measures inplace to trace the non-members. Refer to the CRC’s recommendations in 10 above.REFERENCES TO CRC REPORTParagraph 10.5.5- 216 -

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