Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

Copyright Review Commission Report - ICT Law and Regulation ...

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TERMS OF REFERENCESNO’SREQUIREMENTS12. Assess in particular how reciprocalagreements in this regime of collectingsocieties operate. Further assess thereciprocal agreements amongst collectingsocieties <strong>and</strong> their counterparts.Determine who owns the “rights” in thisrelationship. Are rights alienated to thirdparties without consent of the owner ofthe rights?The CRC should assess,advise <strong>and</strong> make recommendations.THE CRC HIGH LEVEL RESPONSESSAMPRA only grants licences in respect of repertoire owned by RiSA’s members whileNORM only grants licences in respect of repertoire owned by its members. BothSAMPRA <strong>and</strong> NORM have no reciprocal agreements. The payments for theinternational parties are done via local agents of international publishers like Sony, EMI<strong>and</strong> others. As indicated above, SAMPRA operates as if there are blanket agreementsbetween itself <strong>and</strong> its users (SAMPRA collects the full needletime liability from itsusers).SAMRO <strong>and</strong> DALRO are affiliated to numerous similar organisations elsewhere in theworld. They have a number of reciprocal agreements with these other organisations interms of which of these societies administer the rights of the collecting societies in theircountries (having been authorised to do so by licences or assignments of copyrighteffective in the countries in which they operate). SAMRO <strong>and</strong> DALRO, in turn, areauthorised, in terms of these agreements, to administer the repertoire of these societiesin South Africa. All these societies apply the principle of national treatment inaccounting for royalties. The result, based on the terms on which SAMRO <strong>and</strong> DALROcollect <strong>and</strong> account to foreign affiliates, are same as those upon which they collect onbehalf of South African composers, publishers <strong>and</strong> authors. SAMRO acts as assigneeof the rights of its members. It is therefore the owner of the rights it administers. Eachmember is entitled to resigning from SAMRO to the re-assignment of his or her rights.DALRO acts as assignee of publishers <strong>and</strong> some authors.REFERENCES TO CRC REPORTParagraphs 10.5.1 & 10.5.2- 213 -

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